Signs and Notices in Different Parts of World "Members and non-members only." -- A sign outside Mexico City's Mandinga Disco in the Hotel Emporio. "The manager has personally passed all the water served here." -- A sign in an Acapulco hotel. "We take your bags and send them in all directions." -- A sign in a Copenhagen airline ticket office. "Ladies may have a fit upstairs." -- A sign outside a Hong Kong tailor shop.
Topics for Week 2 Teamwork Effective Workplace Communication Effective Meeting Communication Quiz
Communicating in Teams
What are traits of successful teams?
Benefits of Teams Better decisions Faster response Increased productivity Greater “buy-in” Less resistance to change Improved employee morale Reduced risks
Team Versus Group Work Group Shares information and makes decisions Helps each group member perform within his or her area of responsibility. Individual accountability Random skills Work Team Individual efforts result in a performance that is greater than the sum of the individual inputs. 1 + 1 = 3 Individual and mutual accountability Complementary skills
Activity: Forming Your Team Form teams of 4-6 people for class project teams, striving for diversity in the following areas: Gender Age Ethnic background Business focus Ensure that you have at least two common meeting times each week.
Building Effective Teams
Model of Team Effectiveness: Forming a Team
Activity: Team Preferences In your teams, identify the following: Strengths you bring to this team What you need from the team to be successful What impedes your teamwork What motivates you
About the Team Teammate Strength What you need from team What impedes you What motivates you
Model of Team Effectiveness: Forming a Team
Goals/Purpose of the Team: Team Project Discussion
Model of Team Effectiveness: Forming a Team
Encourages participation Responsibilities Role Relationship Roles Encourages participation Relieves tension Evaluates emotional climate Praises others Listens and clarifies Resolves conflict Gives feedback Task Roles: Seeks information Initiates ideas Energizes the team All team members Responsibilities Role
Model of Team Effectiveness: Forming a Team
Effective Workplace Communication
Promoting Positive Workplace Relations Choose appropriate workplace topics. Assume positive intent. Avoid negative remarks. Learn to listen; listen to learn. Use tact. Give sincere and specific praise. Act professionally in social situations.
About Conflict Conflict is normal in the workplace. Approximately 30% of a managers time is spent dealing with conflict; Fortune 500 company executives are involved in litigation related activity 20% of their time. Affects of Conflict??
Initiating Resolution to Conflict Schedule a private meeting for open two-way discussion. Prepare for the discussion. Identify the specific problem/issue. Discuss the behavior, not the person. Listen to each side. Assume positive intent. Understand the other person’s point of view and paraphrase before responding.
Initiating Resolution to Conflict Show a concern for the relationship and look for common ground. (Win-win) Begin problem solving. Reach an agreement on what’s fair. Record the solution. Implement the solution and follow up.
Conflict Resolution: ADOPT Address problems in a manner which is D irect O bjective P ositive T imely
Responding Professionally in Conflict Resolution Listen without interrupting. Determine the speaker’s intent. Acknowledge what you are hearing. Paraphrase what was said. Ask for more information if necessary. Agree if the comments are accurate. Disagree respectfully and constructively, even if you feel the comments made are unfair.
Activity: Conflict Resolution Individually, identify an example of when you experienced conflict which was handled inappropriately in the workplace: the cause of conflict, the people/roles involved, and how it was handled. In teams of 3. . . Share examples and identify one to use for practice of effective conflict resolution. Identify the following: sender and receiver in the conflict resolution an observer Discuss the example so the sender and receiver are clear on the problem. Practice effective conflict resolution Debrief at the end, discussing insights. The observer gives input on commendations and recommendations of the conflict resolution. The sender and receiver discuss impressions.
Effective Meeting Communication
Business and Professional Meetings Before the meeting During the meeting Ending the meeting and following up
Before Determine your purpose. Decide how and where to meet. Organize an agenda. Include date and place, start and end times, topics in order of priority and names of people responsible, time for each topic, and meeting preparation expected of participants. Invite participants.
Typical Meeting Agenda
Planning for Design Review Date: April 27 Time: 2-3pm Location: EY1-213 Time Topic Outcome Presenter 2:00-2:05 Introductions Project Team members know the new Tech Team members Troy 2:05-2:15 Requirements review Clarity on the prioritized customer requirements Sue 2:15-2:45 Design review A demonstration of the design at this point Questions answered 2:45-2:55 Next steps Concerns understood and next steps defined to address concerns Project Team 2:55-3:00 Planning for next meeting Future action items identified Next meeting agenda topics identified
Activity: Preparing for Team Meeting As a team. . . Identify when and where to meet in your first meeting Develop an agenda for the meeting.
During Start the meeting on time. Summarize the meeting goal, provide background, offer possible solutions, review the tentative agenda, and announce ground rules. Move the meeting along by encouraging all to participate. When the group reaches a consensus, summarize and ask for confirmation. If conflict develops, encourage each person to speak and let groups decide on a direction to follow using effective conflict resolution skills.
Conclude the meeting at the agreed time. Summarize decisions. Ending and following Conclude the meeting at the agreed time. Summarize decisions. Review deadlines and responsibilities for action items.
For small groups, try "once around the table." Ending and following For small groups, try "once around the table." Thank the group; establish a time and possible agenda items for the next meeting. Distribute minutes. Check to see that all assigned tasks are completed by agreed-upon deadlines.
The Internet as a Valuable Resource
Web Browsers Definition: application used to locate and display Web pages There two most popular browsers: Netscape Navigator Microsoft Internet Explorer Most browsers can perform two main functions: Display graphics as well as text Present multimedia information, including sound and video
Search Engines Definition: software programs that search a database and gather and report information that contains or is related to specified terms. There are two most popular search engines:
Organization of the Internet Top-level Domains .com commercial .edu educational .gov government .net Internet service provider .org non-profit organization
Advanced Searches Type To find. . . Example Quotations around the two words all Web pages that have the typed words next to each other “Web marketing” A minus sign (-) or the word NOT in front of word to be excluded all Web pages excluding the typed word after the -sign or after the word NOT Inflation -currency Inflation NOT “currency”
Advanced Searches
Credibility of Online Sources There is a wide range of credibility on Web articles. Your challenge. . . . Identify questions to ask to determine credibility