Education and Language: Catalunya and the Basque Country Rhian Niblett, Camilla Scott, Katie Tanner, Isabel Lozano, Paula Gloger, James Chetwood
Catalanisation of Pre-primary to Secondary Education The major official policies and legislation 1951 – Deixonne law 1978 – Constitution – Royal decree 1978 – Catalan teaching service established 1979 – Statute of Autonomy 1980 – School system transfer from central state to Catalan government 1983 – Law of linguistic normalisation 1990 – LOGSE and recognition from European Parliament 1992 – Decree Law
Funding Immigrant children in schools Catalan in the education system Pre-primary Primary Secondary Teacher requirements and training Additional educational organisations
Conclusion For a closer look at the linguistic situation in Catalunya… Aranese Catalan in the Balaeric Islands Valenciano
Secondary Vocational Education New measures to improve the FP Plan General de FP en Catalunya ( )
Higher Education Catalan in Universities Legal statutes and official policies Structure of university courses adapted to the EHEA
Adult Education Ley de la Comunidad Autonoma de Catalunya: Articulo 69 - Objectives of adult education Articulo 70 – Types of adult education Articulo 71 – Collaboration with local councils in adult education
Catalan in France Promotional organisations involved in promoting introduction and use of Catalan within education system: Federació per a la Defensa de la Llengua i de la Cultura Catalanes GREC (1969) La Bressola (1976), Arrels (1980) APLEC
Education Laws Deixonne law 1951 CEDACC – official policy 1978 by municipality of Perpignan Ministerial memorandum 1982 Bilingual education – official option in Perpignan
Pre-school and primary education Lower secondary education – 1 hour per week Catalan classes General secondary education – 3 hours per week Vocational education centres
Higher Education University of Perpignan.. DEUG degree Masters degree Postgraduate diploma Erasmus programme Teacher training institute
Conclusion Recent figures with regards to language use… 49% can speak Catalan 16% of these found it difficult to speak 16% of year olds speak Catalan well 73% of over 65’s speak Catalan well 66% speak it often, 23% occasionally, 7% rarely and 3% never
Education and Language: Euskal Herria Ley Básica de Normalización y Uso del Euskera – 1982 (esp ch. 2) Artículo 15 – “Se reconoce a todo alumno el derecho de recibir la enseñanza tanto en euskera como en castellano en los diversos niveles educativos.” Artículo 16, 17, 19, 20
Table 1: names and definitions of bilingual teaching models (The Basque language in education in Spain, 2005) Definition of model Name in the BAC Name in Navarre Spanish as teaching médium; Basque as a subject Model A Basque as teaching medium; Spanish as a subject Model D Both Spanish and Basque as subject and medium Model B (approximately half and half) Model B (Basque predominant; volume of students negligible) Spanish as teaching medium; no presence of Basque Model X (not official, marginally present) Model G (numerically dominant)
Table 8: primary and secondary students by language model (percentages) (Ibid, 2005) AB (BAC) D (+ B Nav) X and G) Total BAC Navarre Spanish Basque Country
Higher Education 5 universities in the Spanish Basque Country Main public university – Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea Basque Philology academic year, 17,3% of students in the first year opted to study in Basque – % Basque speaking lecturers: 370 in to 764 in – number of bilingual teachers = % of students at the university that year studied wholly or partly through the medium of Basque
Teacher training IRALE programme – offering teachers the opportunity to learn Basque Adult education Udal Euskaltegiak – 1981 Adults who may not have had the opportunity to learn Basque growing up in the Franco era. At its height – 50,000 adults but – 40,000 adults
Conclusion 2005 – a positive forecast for the future of the Basque language in education Basque language = national politics May 5 th 2009 – the election of the first socialist government for nearly 3 decades Patxi Lopez - Halt a programme aimed at making Basque the main language in schools. Isabel Celaá “estarán en pie de igualdad”
Language status in France French political system based on a single unified state French is the only official language Basque has no official status
Basque in France Basque speaking area of France is called Iparralde or the Northern Basque Country 24.7% of its inhabitants speak Basque Number of Basque speakers declining, but the rate of decline has decreased Basque has never been used by the authorities
Promoting the Basque Language The Public Office of the Basque Language The Seaska Association Ikas-Bi Euskal Haziak
French Education System Largely state controlled 28 académies Iparralde is part of the académie of Bordeaux Bilingual education is available in both public and private schools
3 strands of schooling in the Northern Basque Country Public schools – some bilingual, some just teach in French Catholic schools – same as public schools Basque schools (Ikastolas) – primarily taught in Basque but aim to bring children up bilingual
Fillon Law A new law of orientation for the future of the school introduced in 2005 Significant change to the place granted to regional languages in the French school system Not able to choose a regional language as a modern language at primary or secondary level
Adult Education Mainly based on private initiatives. AEK in charge of creating a greater awareness of Basque Specific classes for council workers and civil servants
Catalan in Spain Catalan- socially prestigious language which through continuous legislation paved the way for a hopeful future, not only in the educational system, but also in domestic and social situations. The percentage of year olds who know how to read and write in Catalan, in Catalonia: 1991 – reading competency = writing competency = – reading competency = writing competency = The increase over the 10 year period in both domains is significant when as regards to the success of the Catalanization. Note: the older generations (70-86year olds) in comparison to younger generations have limited competency in reading and writing Catalan- it was these generations who were in school during Franco-years. Basque in Spain 2005 – 60% of pupils study half or more of the curriculum in Basque 30 years ago – less than 10% so a positive rise in number. At university level – a positive increase in the number of students studying in Basque over the last two decades. However, the language of education is still the choice of the parent Uncertain future Catalan in France Small percentage of classes taught in Catalan schools Promotion of the language improving at university level Mostly through private initiatives eg. School associations Basque in France Rate of decline is slowing down Mostly through private initiatives 2009 – 46% of public schools are bilingual, 56% of Catholic schools are bilingual 22 Basque only schools
Bibliography Book sources: La diversidad de lenguas en España- Extebarria, Maitena, Espasa Madrid 2002 El bilingüismo en el estado español – Etxebarria, Maitena. Ediciones FBV Bilbao 1995 Internet sources: Gobierno de Catalunya - Gobierno del Pais Vasco