Institute for High Performance Computing and Information Systems St.Petersburg, Russia Vladimir Korkhov
A bit of history International Institute for Interphase Interactions, founded in : Institute for High Performance Computing and Data Bases Center for Supercomputing Applications
IHPC&IS activities Solutions for design and installation of supercomputer centers Fundamental and applied scientific research requiring HPC and complex mathematical modeling e.g. forecast of the consequences of anthropogenous impact on a local climate, simulation of the semiconductor materials and carbon nanostructures, modeling of bioactive compounds properties, simulation and design of drugs, etc. Simulation of gas dynamic processes in different problems of aerospace, machinery, vehicle and technological equipment design Development of complex solutions in the area of information system technologies
CSA – Center for Supercomputing Applications Since 1996 providing supercomputing facilities to researchers Remote access node for researchers from SPbSU PTC Various computing platforms available: vector, vector- parallel, parallel (SMP and MPP systems) In 1999 one of the first Linux clusters in Russia created using Myrinet links
CSA facilities Computer “zoo”: vector system Convex C-120, vector-parallel C-3820 and C-3440 parallel Parsytecs CC/16, CCe20, CCiD SMP system Convex SPP-1600 Linux cluster on Myrinet Sun Ultra Enterprise servers C-3820 Parsytec CCi ParsytecPowerMouse Parsytec CC/16 SPP-1600
Selected applications Virtual Plasma Reactor (PECVD) Marine decision support systems: seaworthiness, helicopter landing, unsinkability Telemedicine Computational Fluid Dynamics applications Parallel DBMS
Software for numerical simulation of plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition reactors (PECVD). PECVD is one of the most wide-spread technologies for production of silicon-based films, the important material in microelectronics. Requires the significant computational resources: complex geometry of industrial reactors complicated hydrodynamic processes dozens of chemical species and hundreds of chemical reactions Russia + Belorussia supercomputing initiative (SKIF project) Virtual plasma reactor
Distributed computing activities in CSA First try of Grid technologies in 2001: testbed with SPb Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI) based on Globus Currently testbed with SPbSU PTC based on GT3 is being deployed Collaboration with University of Amsterdam in a number of grid-related projects: - Virtual Laboratory for e-Science, since Dynamite, NWO project, starting now
Virtual Laboratory A collaborative analysis environment for applied experimental science Middleware to bridge the gap between fundamental services of Grid and application layer Offers effective and transparent utilization of distributed resources Support scientists in building meta-applications by providing ready-to- use application components and means for developers to create such components Virtual Laboratory Layer Application Layer Grid Layer
Dynamite Dynamic load balancing and fault tolerance of parallel programs (PVM/MPI) using distributed checkpointing, migration and restart of sub-tasks Transparent on application code level Usage of remote system idle-time (Condor-style) Cluster solution developed, targeting to Grid porting
High Performance Simulation (NWO/RFBR) High Performance Simulation on the Grid Russia - Netherlands Grid testbed The Virtual Reactor application - to drive and validate the development Final system - a distributed collaborative environment with advanced interaction and visualization facilities Participants: UvA, IHPC&DB, IHED-IVTAN (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow), Institute of Computational Mathematics (Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk), SPb State University NWO – Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek RFBR – Russian Fund for Basic Research
Collaboration IHPC&IS collaborates with national and international partners, in particular: SPb State University SPb Nuclear Physics Institute University of Amsterdam Software AG