HLS, July 3, 2002
free, open, shared, proprietary how’s a girl to choose?
Open or Free +
Proprietary machine
Open or Free machineplans +
Proprietary binary
Open or Free binarysource +
Open or Free machineplans +
Open or Free machineplans +
with proprietary, society gets the chicken;
with open/free, society gets the chicken and the recipe
free open shared proprietary
open free shared proprietary restrictions
public domain open free shared proprietary restrictions
public domain open free shared proprietary restrictions © protected
what are the restrictions?
public domain: none
public domain: code + no restrictions
proprietary: all
proprietary: no code + tons
open: code + slight
shared: code + lots
free: code + GPL
copyleft: “share and share alike”
copyleft: give on the same terms that you took
1. Zero price
1. Zero price 2. Good code
1. Zero price 2. Good code 3. Teaching others
1. Zero price 2. Good code 3. Teaching others 4. Strategic behavior
1. Zero price 2. Good code 3. Teaching others 4. Strategic behavior 5. Destroy IP
openfreesharedprop “free”y good teach strat-egy destroy
openfreesharedprop “free”yy good teach strat-egy destroy
openfreesharedprop “free”yym good teach strat-egy destroy
openfreesharedprop “free”yymy good teach strat-egy destroy
openfreesharedprop “free”yymy goody teach strat-egy destroy
openfreesharedprop “free”yymy goodyy teach strat-egy destroy
openfreesharedprop “free”yymy goodyyy teach strat-egy destroy
openfreesharedprop “free”yymy goodyyyy teach strat-egy destroy
openfreesharedprop “free”yymy goodyyyy teachall strat-egy destroy
openfreesharedprop “free”yymy goodyyyy teachall strat-egy destroy
openfreesharedprop “free”yymy goodyyyy teachall some strat-egy destroy
openfreesharedprop “free”yymy goodyyyy teachall somenone strat-egy destroy
“strategic behavior”
depends on control
openfreesharedprop “free”yymy goodyyyy teachall somenone strat-egy unlikel y destroy
openfreesharedprop “free”yymy goodyyyy teachall somenone strat-egy unlikel y never destroy
openfreesharedprop “free”yymy goodyyyy teachall somenone strat-egy unlikel y nevery, hard destroy
openfreesharedprop “free”yymy goodyyyy teachall somenone strat-egy unlikel y nevery, hardy destroy
“destroy IP”
openfreesharedprop “free”yymy goodyyyy teachall somenone strat-egy unlikel y nevery, hardy destroyn
openfreesharedprop “free”yymy goodyyyy teachall somenone strat-egy unlikel y nevery, hardy destroynn
openfreesharedprop “free”yymy goodyyyy teachall somenone strat-egy unlikel y nevery, hardy destroyn?n
openfreesharedprop “free”yymy goodyyyy teachall somenone strat-egy unlikel y nevery, hardy destroyn??n
Which prefer?
Who’s the we?
Gov’t: two gains
Gov’t: (1) transparency
Gov’t: e.g.: Carnivore
Gov’t: (2) externality
Should we choose?
rich ecology
ecological threats:
software patents
If people had understood how patents would be granted when most of today’s ideas were invented and had taken out patents, the industry would be at a complete stand-still today.
The solution... is patent exchanges... and patenting as much as we can.... A future start-up with no patents of its own will be forced to pay whatever price the giants choose to impose. That price might be high: Established companies have an interest in excluding future competitors.
Established companies have an interest in excluding future competitors.