What is Brand? ::1.perception dkv4 pertemuan 1
What is a brand? Brand is the promise, the big idea, the reputation and expectations that reside in each customer’s mind about the product abd/or the company ::1.perception dkv4 pertemuan 1
Product are created in the factory. Brands are created in the mind. Walter Landor, founder, Landor Associates ::1.perception dkv4 pertemuan 1
Brand Touchpoints
What is brand identity? ::1.perception dkv4 pertemuan 1
While brands speak to the mind and heart, brand identity is tangible and appeals to the senses. Brand identity is the visual and verbal expression of a brand. ::1.perception dkv4 pertemuan 1
A logo is the point of entry to the brand. Milton Glaser, designer ::1.perception dkv4 pertemuan 1