Rats with Wings
Pigeons are found everywhere in New York City. You can find them in flocks walking around on sidewalks, perching on building ledges, or in trees. They are practically everywhere.
Pigeons cause a whole slew of problems. Pigeons may be found perched on statues, where their acidic droppings cause damage to the stonework. The acid causes the stone to erode.
When left for a long time, pigeon droppings can eat away at car paint.
Pigeons also cause health problems. They can transmit diseases to humans, such as: salmonella tuberculosis histoplasmosis
Feeding pigeons only allows for them to come back for more food. They become even more of pests than before.
Who wants to stand near buildings where pigeons are perched up high on ledges? Who wants to stand under store awnings where pigeons like to loiter?
There are ways to keep pigeons under control. There are several types of pigeon repellents. They include something called bird spikes.
These spikes prevent pigeons from landing on flat surfaces, ledges, surveillance cameras, chimneys, etc.
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GROUP IV Dwaine Carr Jaison Fraser Raquel Juhasz George Mueller Adewale Osinowo Anis Wadhvania Rachel Yuen