Ultrasonic measurements in large volume press in conjunction with X-radiation techniques Jennifer Kung Contributors Baosheng Li Yanbin Wang Takeyuki Uchida
Key Parameters of Elastic Properties Travel time ( t (P,S) ), Length (l) and Density ( ) --corresponding to P-T conditions
Buffer rod Sample Travel time 0.2~0.7 s Piezoelectric Transducer Buffer rod Sample 1~3 mm f = 30~70 MHz 2~3 mm 40 MHz Travel time measurement
Ultrasonic measurements at high pressure and high temperature: Pre-Synchrotron era High pressure – in piston cylinder (up to 3 GPa) in 6-8 type multi anvil press in diamond anvil cell High temperature – in gas high pressure apparatus ( GPa) at atmospheric pressure Thermal expansion (α) Known EOS S: linear compression However, it is difficult to measure - the materials subjected plastic deformation, across the phase transition and without known EoS
Ultrasonic measurements in conjunction with X-radiation techniques in large volume press Cell volumes of sample and NaCl CCDCamera Microscopeobjective YAGCrystal Mirror SSD DiffractedX-rays 25mmWCcube T-25press Slitsystem X-ray 2 Au foil sample ~1030 m Length measurement using X-radiographic image Ultrasonic cell assembly Ultrasonic system and dual mode transducer P S
transducer Ultrasonic assembly in T25
transducer 14/8 cell assembly in T25
Ultrasonic assembly in DIA 6 mm
Sample Length observed from X-radiographic image: case of (Mg,Fe)O GPa *(NaCl pressure scale) Kung et al. (2002) l=l 0 (V/V 0 ) 1/3
X-ray diffraction patterns passing though different sleeves
Elasticity of HP-CEN MgSiO 3 -unquenchable phase synthesis LowCEn High-PClinoEn OrthoEn Spinel + Stishovite Bt + St ProtoEn Pressure(GPa) T e m p e r a t u r e ( C )
Pressure (GPa) Cell volume (Å 3 ) C 900C 800C 600C 400C 200C RT P-V olume -T data for HP-CEN ( to obtain the density, thermal expansion)
Pressure (GPa ) Modulus (GPa) Solid-T409 Open-T354 ~0.7% ~1.0% 800 C 600 C 400 C 200 C 27 C 800 C 600 C 400 C 200 C 27 C (a) (b) K S = (Vp 2 -4/3Vs 2 ) G= Vs 2 Elastic velocities and elastic moduli of HP-CEN at high P-T
Difference between the absolute pressure and Decker’s NaCl pressure scale as a function of pressure Li et al. (2004)
Elasticity and elastic behavior of the materials interested at high pressure and temperature - unquenchable phases - across phase transition - effect of partial melting on elasticity - order-disorder of cation - melts
Ultrasonic measurement in Deformation-DIA
X-ray d (hkl)3 d (hkl)1 Conical Slit device with multi-element detector (white x-ray mode)
In deformation-DIA press -P-T-V olume -V (P,S) -S tress - anisotropy - third-order elastic constants (acoustoelasticity)