How can we be responsible bloggers?
Blogging Rules Think before you post or write anything on our blog Don’t put anything that could put you or others in harm. E.g. Hi I’m Rose, I live in Rose Street in Roseville.
Write appropriate messages Don’t put personal information on the blog Have fun when blogging
Most Important Blogging Rule: Never, ever, ever in your life enter private or secret information on the Internet, because it will be there forever, and ever, and ever, and ever!
SAFETY NOTICE Have Fun! Be Safe While Blogging! Be Cool! Never Put Your Full Name! Don’t Put In Personal Details! Don’t Put In Any Rude Comments! Be Awesome!
Write positive messages only. Do not share personal information. Have fun when blogging.
Don’t act dumb on the internet......THINK BEFORE YOU TYPE AND CLICK!!!!
Don’t type swear words on the computer. Don’t cyber bully people. Think about what you what you write. HAVE FUN!!!!
Never put in personal details. Be sensible at all times. Don’t be a cyber bully! Be safe!!!!!!!!!
Rules on our class blog Please post comments on our blog but be sensible Don’t act stupid on the internet
Cyber Rules Be kind to others and they will be kind to you. Write positive messages.