1 التعلم الإليكتروني د. جارالله الغامدي
2 Electronic Content Alternative to paper content Use of Learning Management System to make content available and easily distributed
4 eLearning Objectives 1.Enhance the quality of higher level education while maintaining the same level of operational cost 2.Promote new effective trends in education by making it substantially learner-centered at learner- pace. 3.Enable the university to increase enrollment capacities in a cost-effective way. 4.Provide wider access to knowledge to students with special circumstances.
5 Components of “eLearning” Learning material Delivering course content Interaction between faculty / students Interaction between students Collaboration between students (teamwork) Assessment
6 Alternatives Using some of the eLearning components to enhance F2F education Offering some courses solely on the web –Web only –An alternative Offering complete programs using eLearning
7 A Model Implementing the whole model Face-to-Face without a chalk Projector-transparency
8 some previously reluctant professors emerging as eLearning enthusiasts
9 Comparison Face-to-face eLearning Instructor Centered Learner Centered Lecture Facilitation Student Listener Collaborator Individual Learning Team Learning Instructor-Source Instructor-Guide Static Content Dynamic Content
10 Comparison Face-to-face eLearning Homogeneity Diversity Linear Non-Linear Non-Scalable Scalable Little-Customization Highly-Customizable
11 Benefits of Adopting eLearning Performance driven benefits Value driven benefits Societal or 'value added' benefits
12 Better Education Improved through time Best of instructors methods Use of simulation & illustration tools Customized to the level of student More students-instructor and students-students interaction Better resource access and utilization
13 Some Concerns Change management for students and faculty Determining course content –39 – 42 lectures duration of each minutes New rules and regulations
14 Expected Impact on Students Increased feeling of responsibility and independence Develop initiative-taking as part of student culture Foster increased student-instructor interaction. Students feel less shy to ask questions Increased student-student interaction
15 Words of One Student At first I'd like to thank all the ICS dept for such a great work! It is amazing that now we can have a courses on-line, i never thought that could be possible!.
16 Words of Team Members It feels nice to be part of an innovative team, especially for something like this that would serve as a role model I now have more time to interact with my students and monitor their progress Being part of the team pioneering eLearning at KFUPM
17 Words of Team Members Received encouraging comments from colleagues and students about a job well done Completing the job on time (not minding the sleepless nights!)
18 Areas of eLearning Digital Content Development Course Delivery Infrastructure Learner Support Training and Change Management Quality Control Proper Management
19 Alternatives Using some of the eLearning components to enhance F2F education Offering some courses solely on the web –Web only –An alternative Offering complete programs using eLearning
20 Steps of Developing an Online Course Content Preparation Authoring Tool Animations Presentation Transcript Recording Uploading onto Delivery Platform
21 Virtual University: The Big Picture Virtual University
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