Harry Potter And the Philosopher’s Stone By J. K. Rowling Harry potter thinks he is an ordinary boy-until he is rescued by a beetle-eyed giant of a man, teaching at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, learns to play Quidditch and does battle in a deadly duel. The reason: Harry Potter is a wizard. Internet Resources: Presenter: Bonnie shih
1. Robes 2. Pointed Hat 3. Protective Gloves(dragon hide or similar) 4. A Wand 5. Broomstick(Freshman are not allowed their own broomstick.) 6. You can also have an Owl, Cat or Toad.
The Sorting Hat Gryffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Slytherin
The Potters The Durselys James Potter Lily Potter Vernon Dursely Petunia Dursely Harry Potter Dudley Dursely Classmates Teachers Ron Weasley Albus Dombledore Minerva McGonagall Hermione Granger Rubeus Hagrid Severus Snape Neville Longbottom Quirrel Draco Malfoy Load Voldemort
As a first year student, Harry does well in his classes and also becomes the star of his house's Quidditch team (kind of like soccer played on broomsticks high in the air). But not everything is jolly. In between classes in potions, spells and flying, Harry also must face some wicked and dangerous enemies like Draco Malfoy and the wizard who killed his parents, Voldemort. Harry also uncovers a mystery --- the location of the sorcerer's stone, a magical stone that can change metal into gold and provides a special potion that allows people to live forever. Will Harry triumph over evil? Will his house, Gryffindor, win the Quidditch championship? Read this book, and you will find out.
Whenever you face any difficulty, you should be calm, using your wise, courage and brave to solve it! “There are all kinds of courage, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies but just as much to stand up to our friend.”- Dumbledore said to Neville Longbottom
“ Harry Potter” is a book worth to child and adult. We can not only use our imagination to a magical world but also use our wise to know more about courage. And this is a story about adventures and jokes also can see a value relationship between friends.