Webquest Library Tour
The Lehman College Library is an academic library containing over a half million books and as many microforms. It serves the campus community as well as the students who attend the campus-based High School of American Studies. We will tour the following areas to learn what we can find in each. Circulation Department Government Documents Interlibrary LoanReference Department Fine Arts DepartmentScience Area Special CollectionsEducation Department Periodicals DepartmentTechnical Services
The Reference Department Professional librarians in this Department Are responsible for answering questions and assisting students in finding what they need to complete their assignments and scholarly research. Information literacy classes are also scheduled by this Department.
CUNY+ CATALOG The CUNY+ (pronounced Q-KNEE ) Catalog is the OPAC (on-line public access catalog) for the Lehman College Library, as well as for the larger CUNY library system. It is available from off- campus through the internet. The CUNY+ Catalog allows students to search the holdings of all CUNY system libraries for books, periodical titles, and microforms, as well as for other information formats, such as sound, video, graphic materials, maps (cartographic materials), photographs, film, music, and manuscript collections.
There are a few rules to remember! No eating except in the Cyber Café. No use of cell phones. No smoking. Exit only through the front doors. Return all borrowed materials on time. No gum.
Money Matters Change machines on the first floor of the library change one dollar bills to 10 dimes. Discount cards can be purchased for making copies at a reduced rate. The initial card costs 40 cents. After a five-day grace period overdue fines of 10 cents a day are changed. Overdue Fines--When you check materials out from the Lehman College Library make sure what loan period you have been given. Materials can be renewed by so long as they are not overdue. If you allow an item to become overdue you are responsible for paying the fine.
Here you will find works in the arts including fine arts, music, dance, theater arts. You can listen to music or watch videotapes. Each work in the Fine Arts Collection can be found in the CUNY+ Catalog. To use an item just give the staff person your CUNY card. The Fine Arts Department
Government Documents Department The Government Documents Department is on the First Floor just south of the Reference Desk. Lehman College Library is a Federal Depository Library housing many Government documents. Some titles are printed, some are on microfiche, CD ROM, or other media. Many more come to us electronically through the Internet. The U. S. Government Printing Office (GPO) publishes the Monthly Catalog which lists the latest Government publications. Some Government Documents are cataloged and circulate, others are kept for Reference only.
Circulation Department This is where library items are checked in and out. Items on Reserve are kept here for in-library reading.
Technical Services Department Technical Services staff orders, catalog, and processes materials for library. Books are also repaired here.
Education Department This Department contains reference books, textbooks, journals, as well as the ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) microfiche collection. Reserve books are kept behind the Desk.
Periodicals Department Journals, both printed and on microfilm, are kept in this department. Current issues must be requested at the Periodicals Desk. Some of the microform readers can print documents.
Microforms Area This is the Microforms Area. The cabinets contain microfilm of Lehman holdings of newspapers (drawers right) and journals on the opposite wall. Please do not return the microfilm to drawers. Put it in deposit box.
Special Collections Department Special Collections houses archival materials relating to The Bronx and Lehman College. Here you will find oral histories, old maps, and photographs, as well as rare books.
The End