Regional Geographic Information System to Support Water Planning in the Paso del Norte Region Bobby Creel, Project Manager, NMWRRI – J. Kennedy – NMWRRI – R. Keller – UTEP – A. Granados – UACJ – October, 2001
Problem A majority of the maps available for water planning in the Paso del Norte region whether produced by the US or Mexico, have the typical “blank” region on the other side of the border. This is also true to a lesser extent for maps of Texas and New Mexico. In most cases the information is available, but the basic layers are at different spatial scale, resolution, and extent. This has precluded their combined use. A majority of the maps available for water planning in the Paso del Norte region whether produced by the US or Mexico, have the typical “blank” region on the other side of the border. This is also true to a lesser extent for maps of Texas and New Mexico. In most cases the information is available, but the basic layers are at different spatial scale, resolution, and extent. This has precluded their combined use.
Purpose The purpose of this project is to develop and create a regional geographic information system (GIS) to support regional water planning in the Paso del Norte region. The basic geographic spatial databases, also known as framework or basemap data, consists of seven components. These are: geodetic control, orthoimagery, elevation, transportation, hydrography, governmental units, and cadastral information. The purpose of this project is to develop and create a regional geographic information system (GIS) to support regional water planning in the Paso del Norte region. The basic geographic spatial databases, also known as framework or basemap data, consists of seven components. These are: geodetic control, orthoimagery, elevation, transportation, hydrography, governmental units, and cadastral information.
Support The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation - $74,999 The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation - $74,999 Matching from Cooperators - $16,227 Matching from Cooperators - $16,227
Personnel John Kennedy John Kennedy –GIS Coordinator for the Water Resources Research Institute, New Mexico State University. Dr. G. Randy Keller & Raed Aldouri Dr. G. Randy Keller & Raed Aldouri –Professor and Co-principle Investigator of Geoscience Applications for the Pan-American Center for Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso. –GIS Technician, Geoscience Applications for the Pan-American Center for Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso. Dr. Alfredo Granados Olivas Dr. Alfredo Granados Olivas –Professor of Hydrology and GIS Coordinator, Centro de Información Geográfica, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez.
Framework Data The geodetic component consists of a database of geographic points, with surveyed location and elevation. The geodetic component consists of a database of geographic points, with surveyed location and elevation. The orthoimagery component consists primarily of areal photography that can be used as a source of information or as a backdrop to other databases. The orthoimagery component consists primarily of areal photography that can be used as a source of information or as a backdrop to other databases. The elevation component consists of two data types. The first data type is called a digital elevation model (DEM) and the second data type consists of regular interval contours that represent elevation of the land surface. The elevation component consists of two data types. The first data type is called a digital elevation model (DEM) and the second data type consists of regular interval contours that represent elevation of the land surface.
Framework Data Continued The transportation component consists of linear data that represent the transportation networks. The transportation component consists of linear data that represent the transportation networks. The hydrography component represents surface- water features, such as streams, rivers, lakes, and playas. The hydrography component represents surface- water features, such as streams, rivers, lakes, and playas. The governmental units component represents boundaries such as county/state lines and municipal jurisdictions. The governmental units component represents boundaries such as county/state lines and municipal jurisdictions. The cadastral component represents the ownership or control of land parcels. The cadastral component represents the ownership or control of land parcels.
Approach This project would involve the cooperation of GIS professionals at the three universities in the region. This project would involve the cooperation of GIS professionals at the three universities in the region. Cooperation among the three universities will allow for the gathering of required data and natural resource information for the purpose of creating a regional GIS system. Cooperation among the three universities will allow for the gathering of required data and natural resource information for the purpose of creating a regional GIS system. A major task of this project is to acquire and evaluate existing digital data useful to water planning activities with a goal of combining them into seamless products. A major task of this project is to acquire and evaluate existing digital data useful to water planning activities with a goal of combining them into seamless products.
Approach Continued Where digital data are not available, tasks will be designed to assess requirements for their development. Where digital data are not available, tasks will be designed to assess requirements for their development. In addition, the GIS system should contain other databases that would be useful for regional water planning. In addition, the GIS system should contain other databases that would be useful for regional water planning. –Examples include groundwater aquifer boundaries, water well locations, watershed boundaries, and landuse classifications.
Approach Continued Project team members will work closely with regional planners to identify and incorporate other useful information. Project team members will work closely with regional planners to identify and incorporate other useful information. As the combined products are developed, they will be shared broadly, with each participating unit making them available via their websites. Also, the procedures developed in this project could be used as a template for other border areas. As the combined products are developed, they will be shared broadly, with each participating unit making them available via their websites. Also, the procedures developed in this project could be used as a template for other border areas.
Schedule and Deliverables Project initiated June 1, 2001 (1 year duration). Project initiated June 1, 2001 (1 year duration). Deliverables from the project would consist of digital GIS layers of relevant themes useful for water planning within the framework and basemap data for the seven geospatial components described above. In addition, other useful information would be incorporated into the system. The information would be provided jointly by the participating entities from Internet websites as well as CDROM. Deliverables from the project would consist of digital GIS layers of relevant themes useful for water planning within the framework and basemap data for the seven geospatial components described above. In addition, other useful information would be incorporated into the system. The information would be provided jointly by the participating entities from Internet websites as well as CDROM.
Progress Made During First Quarter Defined the extent or boundary of the region. Defined the extent or boundary of the region. –The northwest corner (33 0 N, W) of the study area begins near Caballo Reservoir in New Mexico and extends to the southeast corner (31 0 N, W) near Fort Quitman, Texas. Established a GIS framework for the map materials to be compiled or developed. Established a GIS framework for the map materials to be compiled or developed.
Progress Continued Assigned tasks for each team during the reporting period: Assigned tasks for each team during the reporting period: –NMWRRI acquiring and transforming hydrography and transportation data for the US. –CIG-UACJ acquiring and transforming hydrography, hypsography and transportation data for MX. Much of the hydrography required digitizing and rasterization. –PACES-UTEP develop the data dictionary for hydrography and transportation and coordinate map symbol reconciliation between US and MX.
Progress Continued The hydrography and transportation basemap data acquisition and transformation was completed for both US & MX. The hydrography and transportation basemap data acquisition and transformation was completed for both US & MX. Data dictionary and symbol reconciliation was initiated. Data dictionary and symbol reconciliation was initiated. Hypsography data acquisition for MX was initiated. Hypsography data acquisition for MX was initiated. A LANDSAT 7 scene for the area has also been obtained. A LANDSAT 7 scene for the area has also been obtained. Developed a shaded relief for the region from hypsography DEM (digital elevation model) data. Developed a shaded relief for the region from hypsography DEM (digital elevation model) data.
Tasks for the Next Quarter Complete hypsography layer for both US & MX. Complete hypsography layer for both US & MX. Complete acquisition of geodetic control, cadastral and governmental units layers. Complete acquisition of geodetic control, cadastral and governmental units layers. Merge the hydrography, hypsography and transportation datasets to create seamless coverages for the region. Merge the hydrography, hypsography and transportation datasets to create seamless coverages for the region. Create FGDC metadata and data dictionary for each of the completed and merged layers. Create FGDC metadata and data dictionary for each of the completed and merged layers. Initiate investigation of data and map delivery options. Initiate investigation of data and map delivery options.
Future Tasks Irrigation district boundaries. Irrigation district boundaries. Groundwater aquifer boundaries. Groundwater aquifer boundaries. Other data sets suggested by Paso del Norte Water Task Force Other data sets suggested by Paso del Norte Water Task Force