Targets not met…. Exhausted completely Getting married !!!!! Bored out… Is your boss killing you Going out on a date !!! I need a break ….. GOD HELP ME ……. IMPORTANT MEETING NOT PREPARED WITH PRESENTATION…. Kids not well … Husband gone out… You are fired
STRESS Stress is the general term applied to the pressures people feel in life. Stress is also defined as emotional disequilibrium.
3 stages of stress Alarm – The stressor mobilizes the internal stress system Eg – making your heartbeat and breath faster, making you sweat, leaving you cold with hands and feet, leaving your mouth dry, having butterflies in stomach, making you feel rejected, Resistance Exhaustion
What is Job Stress JS – can be defined as harmful physical and emotional responses that can occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities or needs of the worker. Job Stress can lead to injury or poor health
A Model of Stress
TYPICAL CAUSES OF STRESS ON THE JOB A Sense of Powerlessness Your Job Description A Square Peg in a Round Hole Traumatic Events on the Job Work Setting Poor quality supervision Insecure job climate Role conflict and ambiguity Differences between company values Change Design of tasks – heavy workload, infrequent rest breaks, long work hours / shift work hours, hectic and routine tasks that have little inherent meaning and do not utilize employees skills Eg -BPO, IT industry, Government Offices, Universities Career Concerns
BURN OUT Extreme product of stress is burnout A situation in which the employees are emotionally exhausted, become detached from their clients and their work and feel unable to accomplish their goals Counselors, health care professionals, social workers, air traffic controllers, customer service reps, stock brokers, BPO, ITES TRAUMA It occurs following a major threat to ones security. It could be natural disaster, an organizational crisis, dramatic employee abuse by the employer or personal job loss Workplace Trauma – Disintegration of employees self concepts and beliefs in their capabilities Causes from harassment at work, wrongful termination, discrimination or an employee’s perceived incapacity to meet evolving performance expectations Extreme products of stress
STRESS MANAGEMENT INDIVIDUAL APPROACH Relaxation Meditation Time Management Exercise Pampering your self and family Biofeedback – which is a measurement tool for learning recognizing, and responding to muscle and skin activity Humour / Laughter Rehydrate Brisk Walk –Self Talk Crying Cat Nap/ Power Nap Make a Cuppa
Stress Management Organizational Approach 1.Identify the problem Hold group discussions, design an employee survey, measure employee perceptions of job conditions, stress, health and satisfaction, collect objective data, analyze and identify problems 2. Design and Implement Interventions Target the source of stress for change, Propose and prioritize intervention strategies, communicate planned interventions to employees, implement them 3. Evaluate interventions Conduct short term and long term employee interventions, measure and evaluate employee perceptions and refine the strategies if needed. 4. Formation of coworkers support groups 5. Stress Management Counselor 6. Good Gym & Recreational Facilities
STRESS MANAGEMENT PLAN The following things stress me out the most I can tell I am feeling stress because the following things happen to my body 1. When I am feeling stresses I have found the following things help me 1.
TIPS to Manage your Stress I will try to avoid the things that stress me when I can I will listen to my body, and when it feels under stress, I will try to avoid the cause. I will practice the relaxation techniques that have worked for me in the past And I will remember to remain flexible and try different things to reduce my stress
THERAPIES FOR STRESS MANAGEMENT Biofeedback Reflexology Naturopathy Music Therapy Aroma Therapy Nutrition Therapy