Group 1 Ann J. Hamilton Sarah L. Rouland Juliana Martin Jenna M. Kopp Devon L. Dib Amy J. Ceglarek Group 2 Ashley A. Gdyra Shannon M. Dodt Jennifer E. Brown Karyn F. Diebel Dawn M. Miller Angela M. Jaskowski Group 3 Adam J. Randels Nicole B. Swindell Sarah A. Hana Kathryn A. Cameron Sarah J. Arnesen Dessard J. Norris Group 4 Jordan K. Rucker Andrea R. Ingham Beth A. Green Michelle L. Dielenhein Jaime R. Deriemaecker Jessica M. Adams Exam 2 Review Group Assignments (10753) Please gather into the groups indicated below.
Examination Review The goal of the analysis is identify your areas of relative strength and weakness. The content on this exam will be on the final examination also. You may write on your examination papers. You may not record examination questions. I will collect examination papers after the review. If you want me to review an item again, write a brief statement that identifies the item and indicates why you believe another review of this item is warranted.
Item Difficulty Power Item Difficulty Power Item Difficulty Power Item Analysis for Examination 1 (10753) Average (median) item difficulty =.83 Easier items (blue): Medium items (white): Harder items (pink): Problematic Items (yellow): <.45