Artemis Nova Alex Tripp Ryan DuBois Catherine Fisher
About the Game Game Description: Set in space, far in the future - you begin with only a small colony on a remote planet Conquest of your own Solar System and of surrounding systems Three major categories of a Civilization’s power based on a point system: Science, Industry and Economy. Three major types of spacecraft: Scouts, Fleets, and Colony Ships. Single player
Architecture and Users Will be programmed for the Android Architecture is set primarily by Android specifications Using Object-Oriented Programming with Java, utilizing Android’s interfaces and pre-existing structure Users are not likely hardcore gamers – they’re bored people trying to kill a few minutes
Objectives and Resources Create a game with real time simulation Create different levels of AI Work on the Android Allows for Saved Games Random creation of the playing field (with parameters) Java SE Documentation Data Structures and Algorithms in Java by Michael T. Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia The Design & Analysis of Algorithms by Anany Levitin Objectives Resources
Crosscutting Concerns Running on Android, so we have tighter processor and memory restrictions Potential loss or corruption of saved files Potential unexpected termination (Security is not an issue since it’s single-user)
System Functionalities Provides Saved Games Different levels of AI Point based resource system Adjustable game size & speed Does Not Provide Multiplayer Limitless expanse of space Fancy graphics
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