MET 112 Global Climate Change – Lecture 11 Observations of Recent Climate Change Dr. Craig Clements San Jose State University Outline How do we observe? Recent trends in temperature Recent trends in GHGs
2 MET 112 Global Climate Change
What does to observe mean? Measurements –Of what? Who compiles these measurements for governments and society? IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Where do our observations come from? - to watch and record.
Temperature stations
Change in surface temperature in 20 th century
Bubbles Trapped in ice core Petit, Jean-Robert, et al (1999). “Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica”. Nature 399:
Ice Core layers GISP2 ice core (Greenland Summit)GISP2ice core Archived at the National Ice Core Laboratory in CO. from meters in which annual layers are clearly visible. The appearance of layers results from differences in the size of snow crystals deposited in winter versus summerwintersummer Counting such layers has been used (in combination with other techniques) to reliably determine the age of the ice. This ice was formed ~16250 years ago during the final stages of the last ice age and approximately 38 years are represented age
9 MET 112 Global Climate Change
10 MET 112 Global Climate Change
Ice Cores
Coring Earth’s ice sheets
Coring mountain glaciers
Ice core record
Ice core CO 2 record
Retreat of mountain glaciers: ‘visual inspection’ Boulder Glacier, Mt. Baker, Washington
Retreat of mountain glaciers
Melting of Greenland Icesheet
19 MET 112 Global Climate Change
Global rise in sea level last 20,000 years
Global rise in sea level in the 20 th century
Shorter winters in Alaska
Latest global temperatures