PORTUGAL Area: km² 10 million inhabitants Capital: Lisboa Member of EU since 1986 Currency: Euro
PORTUGUESE ECONOMY 2003 Expected GDP growth: - ¾% Reduction of consumption and investment Budget deficit International incertenty with Iraq conflict Summer fires – total impact still to determine
PORTUGUESE INDUSTRY No industrial revolution Industrial development started in the 1950’s EFTA Focus in products of low added value: sardines, wine, cork, textiles, shoes and automobiles components
INDUSTRY’S PROBLEMS Low productivity Low level of education and know-how Low level of technological and organizational innovation Lacking spirit of entrepreneurship Burocracy Regional disparities
PPCE: Programme for Productivity and Economic Growth Improvement of legal and regulatory environments Competition Investment Taxation Protection of intelectual and industrial property Stimulation of R&D POLICY MEASURES
PROINOV: Integrated Programme for Innovation MAIN OBJECTIVE: attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) to help creating new jobs in technology-intensive activities Example of PROINOV’s actions: Promotion of clustering and co-operation for innovation
POSI: Operational Programme on Information Society AND POCTI: Operational Programme for Science, Technology and Innovation Technology and Innovation MAIN OBJECTIVE: supporting the development of university-industry research consortia including firms and Science and Technology organisations Important role in : the strengthening of research carried out by companies
IDEIA: Applied Research and Development in Companies MAIN OBJECTIVE: developing university-industry research consortia Important role in : the strengthening of research carried out by companies the intensified co-operation between research, universities and companies the strengthening of companies’ ability, particularly SME’s, to absorb technologies and know-how (creation of R&D teams in companies) The participants of the programme IDEIA can benefit from financial and fiscal incentives.
NEST: New Technology-Based Firms MAIN OBJECTIVE: supporting new technology-based firms (NTBF’s) through venture capital investment Important role in : the strengthening of research carried out by companies the start-up of technology-based companies the increase of the larger public’s awareness to the relevancy of an active Innovation Policy The support given to NEST companies includes: financial support recruitment of doctors and masters venture capital investments up to 90% of a NEST companies’ capital
QUADROS PROGRAMME MAIN OBJECTIVE: improving the level of technical skills in SME’s through financial support for the wages of young engineering, economics, management and scientific graduates recruited by SME’s. Important role in : the mobility of students, research workers and teachers the fostering of innovative organisational and management practises in enterprises the strengthening of research carried out by companies the strengthening of companies’ ability, particularly SME’s, to absorb technologies and know-how
MTTQS: Measure for Supporting the Dynamisation of Technology, Training and Quality Systems MAIN OBJECTIVE: promoting pre-competitive research projects developed between technology, training and quality infrastructures organisations and companies. Important role in: the encouraging of R&D activities the strengthening of research carried out by companies the intensified co-operation between research, universities and companies
EDUCATION RELATED MEASURES The Portuguese Government has tried to improve the Educational Policy by: giving scholarships to the best students in different fields creating a new Ministry for Science and Higher Education creating a Comission on the Teaching of Mathematics and Science promoting life-long learning supporting the recruitment of graduates by companies