I hope that you: Look at book & websiteLook at book & website Want to stay in this class (no? change by Friday!)Want to stay in this class (no? change by Friday!) Participate! Ask Questions! Get Inspired …Participate! Ask Questions! Get Inspired … Intro: Course Topics Overview CS395/495: Advanced Computer Graphics Intro: Course Topics Overview Jack Tumblin
Choose One Presentation Topic, 1) Intro (this week) 2) 2D Images Mappings 2) 2D Images Mappings 3) Non-photorealistic Rendering (NPR) 3) Non-photorealistic Rendering (NPR) 4) Modeling I: Parametrics and Implicits 4) Modeling I: Parametrics and Implicits 5) Modeling II: Mesh Subdivision, Simplification 5) Modeling II: Mesh Subdivision, Simplification 6) Global illumination & Light Transport. 6) Global illumination & Light Transport. 7) Physical Animations: Smoke, Water, Collisions and Breaking 7) Physical Animations: Smoke, Water, Collisions and Breaking 8) Light Fields and IBMR 8) Light Fields and IBMR 9) Point-based Modeling and Rendering 9) Point-based Modeling and Rendering 10) Project Demos (whole class evaluates)
AND Choose A Project Topic From any presentation topic, or any of these: Shader Languages for Graphics (Cg, Sh, etc.)Shader Languages for Graphics (Cg, Sh, etc.)Cg Shadow-Making, Light Design, VisibilityShadow-Making, Light Design, Visibility Tone-Mapping and Vision(Tumblin's specialty)Tone-Mapping and Vision(Tumblin's specialty) Panoramic Image Stitching, HDR photographyPanoramic Image Stitching, HDR photography Human Facial Model, Animation, RecognitionHuman Facial Model, Animation, Recognition Human Figure Movement and AnimationHuman Figure Movement and Animation Motion-Capture and Object TrackingMotion-Capture and Object Tracking Light Refraction, Dispersion & FluorescenceLight Refraction, Dispersion & Fluorescence Haptics and Modeling Deformable ObjectsHaptics and Modeling Deformable Objects Human-Computer Interface for Graphics Tasks ('Teddy', GT ‘Twister’ for modeling, etc.)Human-Computer Interface for Graphics Tasks ('Teddy', GT ‘Twister’ for modeling, etc.) Or anything else I missed (just ask!)
SEND 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd presentation topic prefs to:1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd presentation topic prefs before 9AM Monday Jan 12. First come, first served. Otherwise you’ll be ASSIGNED a topic. 1-Page Graphics Project Proposals: before 9AM Monday Feb 9. What’s a graphics project?… (Heckburt3aAnim2001.mov)
2: 2D Image Mappings Warp:Warp:Warp Morph:Morph: (heckburt movie) Kutulakis Nvidia2001
3: N on -P hotorealistic R endering 3D vector field, shaded ‘Painterly’ rendering
4: Models 1: Parametrics & Implicits Parametric Patches:Parametric Patches: vary u,v to find all surface points: x = xfcn(u,v) y = yfcn(u,v) z = zfcn(u,v) Ian Stewart, Michael McCool, 1998 Implicit Functions:Implicit Functions: surface x,y,z points satisfy f(x,y,z)=0.
5: Models 2: Subdivision, Simplification Mesh SimplificationMesh Simplification Pixar1998 Mesh Subdivision: entire hand in ONE surface patch! ONE surface patch! Watson2001
6: Real Materials & Light Transport Global Illumination Methods: Physically accurate simulation of light transport like this or…. Surface Properties: Why Phong shading is not enough
Like this!
7: Differential Animations Fire, Water, SmokeFire, Water, Smoke Cloth, Fracture… Stam 1999 O’Brien1999
8: Light Fields & IBMR. Malzbender,2000
9: Point-Based Models & Rendering. ‘ Surfels’ Pfister et al., SIGG2000
10: Graphics Projects Demo Your attendance is important--- Students decide the grades! *Your attendance is important--- Students decide the grades! * ALMOST ANYTHING instructive is fair game; - Still images, Interactive demo, animated movie,… - Programming project or Application project - Show results on a webpage & in class Try to amaze us all! *Of course, I have to agree with the them too…