1 Systems Engineering and Product Architectures October 24, 2006
2 Today Concepts presentations Systems Engineering Risk Management For Thursday –Architecture Lecture –Read Ulrich and Eppinger Chap 9
3 How do you define systems engineering? Knowledge of product technologies Knowledge of the process Knowledge of people
4 Systems Engineering The discipline of managing complex systems as an integrated whole even though composed of diverse, specialized structures and sub-systems The balancing decision-making between sometimes conflicting objectives (with alternative paths) and the optimization of the whole.
5 How do systems engineers manage complexity?
6 How do Systems Engineers Handle Complexity? 1. Hierarchically
7 How do Systems Engineers Handle Complexity? 2. Physical Based Composition
8 How do Systems Engineers Handle Complexity? 3. Functionally-Based
9 The Ideal Systems Engineer The ability to see the big picture Objectivity Creativity Human Relations Communication Broad education/experience
10 Systems Engineering Organization
11 Systems Engineering Elements Requirements and Architectural Definition Organizes the Technical Development System Integration and Verification
12 Summary of Systems Engineering process What is wrong with the current situation? Is the need clearly articulated? Who are the intended users? How will they use our products? How is this different from the present? Need Operations Concept
13 Systems Engineering What specific service will we provide? To what level of detail? Are element interfaces well defined? What is the overall plan of attack? What elements make up the overall approach? Are these complete, logical and consistent? Functional Requirements Operations Concept
14 Systems Engineering What is the overall plan of attack What elements make up the approach Are these complete, logical and consistent? Which elements address which requirements? Is the allocation appropriate? Are there any unnecessary requirements? System Architecture Allocated Requirements
15 Systems Engineering Are the details correct? Do they meet the requirements? Are the interfaces satisfied? Will the solution be satisfactory in terms of cost and schedule? Can we reuse existing pieces? Detailed Design Implementation
16 Systems Engineering What is our evidence of success Will the customer be happy? Will the users’ needs be met? What did we do wrong? What did we do right? How can we do better next time? How are we communicating this? Test Lessons Learned
17 Developing World Need is manifest but deceptive “True cost” is often difficult to determine Time is typically underestimated Complexity low in technology but high in market/social interaction Reliability/cost tradeoff? Normative Establish the value or need for the system Determine the System Cost Estimate the Time to Produce the System Formulate and structure the System more specifically- product architecture Organize and outline the effort to do the job Perform the work necessary to ensure a reliable system Record Keeping and Configuration Control Systems Engineering Summary of responsibilities
18 Class Exercise- A Systems Engineer for the Developing World List some of the characteristics for a qualified “Developing-World Systems Engineer”? –Understand the culture enough to interact with people who are deep in the subject Anticipate gender issues –Resourceful making do –Creative with money and other resources –Flexible –Open yet critical – More versed in individual disciplines –Not necessary to be deeply versed in technology but an intelligent user of communications technology –Self confident, resilient, patient –Can deal with lack of infrastructure –Not necessarily money driven –Empathy social conscience –Recognize and respect local differences –Persuasive –Choose your battles walk away from things that can’t work –Deal with corruption –Can compensate for shortcomings –Quick learner –Multilingual –Highly motivated –Willing to travel and live under uncomfortable circumstances –Flexible and adaptable List a career track for such a person –Peace corps alt –Make a lot of money first then you can work in this area –Social Entrepreneur Start your own Work for a big NGO Find a big company engaged in this Non profit in US hands on PhD in sustainable development Independent travel study abroad Make products for export
19 A word on the fundamental fallacy of Systems Engineering - Robert Frosch Ford Motor co.
20 Give some examples of System Integration failure
21 In More Detail, Some System Engineer Roles... Formulate and structure the System 1 Architectural Structure create a schematic of the product reflects the teams best understanding of the products functionality cluster the elements of the schematic reflect geometric integration, function sharing, vendor expertise considerations, localization of change accommodate variety, enable standardization, portability of interfaces (laser light, electrical vs mechanical) create a rough geometric layout identify the fundamental and incidental interactions between clusters define secondary sub-systems Define subsystems from clusters
22 In More Detail, Some System Engineer Roles... Formulate and structure the System 2 Subsystem Architecture Repeat above at the subsystem level Optimizing design across sub-system interfaces consider migration of components Trade Studies Alternative technologies Create detailed Specifications Planned Evolutionary Changes including Technology transparency Establishing Error Budgets, weight budgets, power budgets, etc.
23 Example
24 Some System Engineer Roles... Record Keeping
25 Systems Integration Risk Management Concentrate risk in a few modules –e.g. through reuse Robust interface design –Place generous margins around critical systems components Use of full systems models Rapid prototyping Consider all risk possibilities
26 The System Engineer Manages Risk... Formulate and structure the System more specifically... To reduce risk
27 Developing World project risk modules ModuleRisk Reduction
28 HW Assignment Due October 31, 2006 List 5 of the most important risks (severity X likelihood) List mitigation actions for each Establish an architecture for your product Give reasons for your choices Ref Textbook Chapter 9