in1705/07-PDS Computer Organization (Recap)
TU-Delft TI1400/11-PDS 2 Circuit Design Digital logic Memory elements Other building blocks (Multiplexer,Decoder) Finite State Machines Lectures 1.1,1.2 Programmable Devices Memory organization Program sequencing von Neumann archi. Instruction levels Lectures 2.1,2.2, 6.1,6.2 Why Computer Organization Matters? Lecture 0 Computers Lectures 3,4,5,7.1, 7.2,8,Reader Data representation, conversion, and op. Instruction repr./use I/O and Memory History of Computing ( ) Multi-Processors Lecture 9
TU-Delft TI1400/11-PDS 3 The Peak Performance Issue Source:
TU-Delft TI1400/11-PDS 4 Frequency of Instruction Use Frequenc y of Use (logscale) Instruction Rank Source: 50% code just 3 instructions (mov, call, jmp) 99% code under 50 instructions
TU-Delft TI1400/11-PDS 55 Floorplan IA-32
TU-Delft TI1400/11-PDS 6 The “Data Deluge”: Facts and Predictions "Everywhere you look, the quantity of information in the world is soaring. According to one estimate, mankind created 150 exabytes (billion gigabytes) of data in This year, it will create 1,200 exabytes. Merely keeping up with this flood, and storing the bits that might be useful, is difficult enough. Analysing it, to spot patterns and extract useful information, is harder still.“ The Data Deluge, The Economist, 25 February 2010.
TU-Delft TI1400/11-PDS 77 The Performance Gap Processor-Memory Processor: CPU Speeds 2X every 2 years ~Moore’s Law; limit ~2010 Memory: DRAM Speeds 2X every 7 years Gap: 2X every 2 years Gap Still Growing?
TU-Delft TI1400/11-PDS 8 Four-stage pipeline F1D1 F2 F3 F4 D2 D3 D4 I1 I2 I3 I4 pipelined execution time Clock cycle O1W1 O2W2 O3W3 O4W4
TU-Delft TI1400/11-PDS 9 Compiler structure Source program Lexicographical analysis Syntactic analysis Semantic analysis Intermediate-code generation Code optimization Code generation Target program
TU-Delft TI1400/11-PDS 10 Large MIMD Clusters BlueGene/L
TU-Delft TI1400/11-PDS 11 For the Final Exam [1/2] Chapter 1Complete Chapter 2Complete Chapter 3No Chapter 4All but 4.3,4.6,4.7 Chapter 5All but , , Chapter 6All but 6.2,6.4-6,6.7.4 Chapter 7All but example details Chapter 8All but 8.7 Chapter 9No Chapter 10All but 10.3 Chapter 11No Chapter 12Complete Appendix AComplete Appendix BNo Appendix CNo Appendix DNo Appendix EOnly E.2 V.C. Hamacher, Z.G. Vranesic, S.G. Zaky, Computer Organization, McGraw-Hill, fifth edition, Supersedes
TU-Delft TI1400/11-PDS 12 For the Final Exam [2/2] Chapter 1Complete Chapter 2Complete Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Complete Reader (Dictaat), version 2007 Lab Result: Complete Assignment 2Complete Assignment 3 Assignment 4 Assignment 5 NoAssignment 6 #6 First: Tim de Jong Eddie Schoute Congratulations!
TU-Delft TI1400/11-PDS 13 Good Luck With the Exam! Source: