Archiving our Social Science Digital History ECURE 2005 March 1, 2005
2 Presentation Overview Background Information The ICPSR Process New Directives
3 Background Established in 1962 Membership-based organization, with over 500 member colleges and universities around the world Encourages and facilitates research and instruction in the social sciences and related areas
4 Background budget approximately $10 million Around 100 employees; 40 data-processing staff World’s largest archive of computer-readable social science data
5 ICPSR’s Mission Acquire social science data Preserve social science data in perpetuity Assist with the use of social science data for research Assist with the use of social science data for teaching
6 Our data holdings cover a broad range of disciplines Political Science History Public Policy Economics Education Criminal Justice Law Public Health Foreign Policy Gerontology
7 Two Kinds of Archival Holdings: General Archive Holdings are funded with member dues and are available only to members Special Topic Archives are supported by foundations or federal agencies and are available to all
8 Special Topic Archives: Child Care and Early Education Research Connections Health and Medical Care Archive International Archive of Education Data National Archive of Criminal Justice Data National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive
11 Confidentiality Confidentiality review of all contents of the data collection Disclosure analysis Public Use version vs. Restricted Use version of data
12 Restricted Use Data Several dozen data collections Restricted Use Agreement No copy is stored online or on a file server connected to any network Secure Data Enclave
13 Downloading Data Immediate downloads to the user’s desktop Supporting documentation and setups for statistical packages supplied Technical support provided
14 Web-based finding aids for resource discovery: Detailed metadata about each collection Robust field-specific search capability Thesaurus - 4,500+ social science keywords Bibliography of data-related publications (over 35,000 citations)
15 Research Directions: Analysis of procedures to limit disclosure risk Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) to develop standards for XML markup of social science materials
16 New This Year Data for Demographic Research (sponsored by Demographic & Behavioral Sciences NICHD) Data-PASS (sponsored by the Library of Congress)
17 Data Sharing for Demographic Research Collaboration with: –the Carolina Population Center (CPC) –the Minnesota Population Center (MPC) –Population Studies Center (PSC) Supported by the Demographic and Behavioral Sciences Branch of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
18 Data-PASS: The Partners ICPSR Roper Center Odum Institute Murray Center Virtual Data Center National Archives
19 Data-PASS: The Plan Identify significant data collections (classic) Identify important contemporary data (that are “at risk”) Develop common standards and procedures across partnership
20 For More Information Website: Darrell Donakowski