BEARSat Thermal Switch University of Cincinnati Josh Cory Jacob Hause Eric Riedl Matt Urbainiak University of Cincinnati Josh Cory Jacob Hause Eric Riedl Matt Urbainiak
Expected Results: The test results should show a cycle of heating times and the temperatures that correspond to the temp needed to actuate the switch. -The temperature of actuation is expected be a constant. -Actuation time is expected to decrease as pressure decreases. - The heating cycle should repeatedly produce sine waves when plotted against time.
Actual Results:
Conclusions: -Successful actuation of the thermal switch confirms the validity of the design. -From the data acquired, it was determined that the manufacturing process for the switch needs to be refined. - Confirmation of actuation, and temperature of actuation allows for the next iteration of design to begin.
Further Actions : - Another iteration of the switch is going to be designed that is smaller and more accurately reflects the flight hardware for the UN-4 BEARSat mission. - Alternative manufacturing techniques are going to be pursued to ensure the switch functions properly in a vacuum. -Additional vacuum testing will be done in the lab to confirm the new manufacturing methods. -A fail safe may need to be added to insure that the paraffin remains a working fluid.