Securing Instant Messaging Matt Hsu
Outline Introduction Instant Messaging Primer Instant Messaging Vulnerabilities and Exploits Securing Instant Messaging in Your Corporation Conclusion
Instant Messaging Primer Instant Messaging is not a new technology The first system, IRC, was developed in 1988 by Jarkko Oikarinen Providing Services: p2p real-time chatting and file transfer capabilities Current IM systems: ICQ, AOL IM, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat
Communication Mode Client-Server instant messagingP2P instant messaging
Encryption, File Transfers, Scripting, Others Most IM systems do not encrypt p2p traffic Those systems do not encrypt files transferred either A handful of IM platforms offer scripting capabilities Additional functionality: mini-Web provided by ICQ
Instant Messaging Vulnerabilities and Exploits (1) Eavesdropping Using a packet sniffer Account Hijacking A number of Web sites provide DIY for launching such a attack Password protection is very limited Data Access and Modification Buffer overflow In May 2002, w00w00 identified a vulnerability: an attacker to gain full access to targeted systems
Instant Messaging Vulnerabilities and Exploits (2) Worms and Blended Threats IM software maintains a list of buddies By two ways: 1)leveraging IM scripting 2) exploiting a buffer overflow Scripting Instant Messaging Threats Instant Messaging Threats that Exploit Vulnerabilities Denial-of-Service Instant messaging server vulnerabilities
Securing Instant Messaging in Your Corporation IM vs. Firewalls Out-of-the-box firewall configurations are not sufficient enough to block access Tunneling tech: It make a client to slip past the corporate firewall IM File Transfers vs. Firewalls The best way to block file transfers is to block the port numbers used by IM products
Instant Messaging Best Practices Establish a corporate instant messaging usage policy Properly configure corporate perimeter firewalls Deploy desktop antivirus software Employ personal firewalls to ensure policy compliance Deploy corporate instant messaging servers Recommended instant messaging client settings Install all IM patches a.s.a.p Use vulnerability management solutions to ensure policy compliance
Conclusion Current IM systems are inadequately secured Need a layer suitable security systems Consider the growing number of wireless phones already supporting IM services Great Sentence: “Only by appropriately securing these systems will businesses be able to reap their full economic benefits”