Introduction to Fuel Cell Systems
Overview Introduction Current Environmental Situation Why Fuel Cells? Fuel Cell Fundamentals System Applications Challenges
*Energy Information Administration/Annual Review 2000
*1 MBPD ~ 2 Quad BTUs
*EPA 420-R
Environmental Science & Policy 6 (2003) 175–179 Friedland et al. “Thus, avoiding the SUV trend and simply keeping the mix of cars and light trucks at the level it was in 1989 would have saved 75 times more energy per year than what has been saved by recycling plastic and four times more energy than what has been saved each year by recycling aluminum.”
*Green Power, Los Alamos National Lab, LA-UR CO 2 varied between 200 and 300 ppm (last 160,000 year) CO 2 has increased from 280 ppm to 360 ppm in a single century Predicted to rise to 600 ppm by 2100
*General Motors Corporation Vehicle traffic causes half of all urban smog and 90% of the carbon monoxide emissions in the US.* Automotive related air pollution kills twice the number of Americans that die in auto accidents, and triple the number of homicide victims.* In 2001, you were 24 times more likely to die from air pollution than from a terrorist attack.
Transportation Costs? Foreign Oil Dependency? Environment (i.e. Global Warming)? Is Our Current Lifestyle Sustainable? –(5% world population emitting 20% of the greenhouse gases) The Debate: Energy Use
Clean (CO 2 and emissions), Flexible, Distributed Energy Carrier… Electricity! –Generate with Nuclear, PV, Wind! Storage Problem in Mobile Applications Why Fuel Cells?
Conventional Power Generation –Fuel Heat Mechanical Electricity –20% - 30% Fuel Electricity Fuel Cell: Electrochemical Device –Fuel (hydrogen) Electricity, 50% –“Steady Flow Battery” Fossil Fuel Dependant CO 2 –Hydrocarbon Reforming for Hydrogen –Electrolysis? (only if you have clean e - ) Why Fuel Cells?
Fuel cell easily converts H 2 to e - Fuel cells, through H 2 energy carrier, get around the on-board e - storage issue. Double onboard e - storage fuel cells may not make sense (Toshiba Advanced Li-Ion Battery) Why Fuel Cells?
Overview Introduction Current Environmental Situation Why Fuel Cells? Fuel Cell Fundamentals System Applications Challenges
Electrochemical Device “Steady Flow Battery” Electrochemical “Engine” Generate DC power # of cells (voltage) and active area (current) Fuel Cells Fundamentals
Fuel Cells Types
*Ballard Corporation
*California Fuel Cell Partnership
Teflon Backbone (Hydrophobic) Side Chain (Hydrophilic) Sulfonic Group (weak, dilute acid) Solid Polymer Electrolyte
Fundamentals V ideal = 1.48 V per cell at STP
Overview Introduction Current Environmental Situation Why Fuel Cells? Fuel Cell Fundamentals System Applications Challenges
*Green Power, Los Alamos National Lab, LA-UR
FCV Entire Drive System Contained in “Skateboard” Interchangeable, Bolt on Body Single Center Electrical Connection Drive By Wire (Steering, Accelerator, Braking, etc.)
* Honda Motor Company
*Ocean County College, Toms River, NJ
Overview Introduction Current Environmental Situation Why Fuel Cells? Fuel Cell Fundamentals System Applications Challenges
Durability (up to 5,000 hrs and 40,000 hrs?) Clean H 2 Production Cost per kW (not just Pt) Size Weight End of Cycle Impact? Better than Hybrid Technology? Better than Battery Technology? Challenges
A.D. Little study projects high volume production cost of $14,700 or $294/kW (60% Stack, 29% Processor, 11% BOP, Assembly, and Indirect) for fuel cell system Platinum cost alone is $63/kW (21% of total $) ICE engine cost? $20/kW Fuel Cell Vehicle: cell, auxiliary equipment, H 2 storage, power inverters, and electric motors
* Honda Motor Company
Cold Start Hydrogen Storage –High Pressure Composite Tanks –Cryogenic Storage –On-board Hydrocarbon Reforming? Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Challenges
1 Liter displacement 2.0 kW/kg (145lbs 180hp) < $20/kW
No matter the efficiency, consumption is the bigger problem… Is vehicle transportation sustainable?
Helicopter420 US Auto Avg 2184 Prius Aircraft 6785 FCV (projection)67270 Walking Commuter Train GM EV TGV Train Bike Gasoline Equivalent MPG (1 gal = 5.76 MJ of energy)