USD Online Grade Calculator MSIT 537 Technologies Scott Remsen
Executive Overview As students work to complete their respective degrees at the University of San Diego (USD), needs arise to monitor and track grades earned and courses completed. By providing an interactive, securitized web- based application for tracking student progress, USD can better utilize current technologies and add value for their clients, the university students.
Features Must be securely accessible by students Accessible from any computer terminal with Internet connectivity. Ability to view completed and current classes taken, complete listing of grades earned, and cumulative GPA calculation. Ability to manage course/grade data, allowing for basic data addition/modification/deletion operations.
Business Rationale The University of San Diego utilizes a web-based application called WebCT that provides a way for instructors to post student grades. Dr. Carl Rebman, a USD Information Technologies instructor, has a web-based grade reporting tool allowing students to view their grades by submitting their student ID and password. These alternatives do not provide a way for cumulative GPA to be calculated.
Deliverables Create the following pages: –Customer log in page –Create user account page –View all courses page (includes GPA calculation) –Manage course information page (modify courses/grades received) –“Contact Us” page to include web form that generates an
Screenshots Customer Log In Page Create User Accounts Page
Screenshots (cont.) View All Courses Page
Screenshots (cont.)
User Navigation Issues
Conclusion This project was successful because a functional deliverable was created that meets all client needs. The website was completed on time and met all major project milestone deadlines. MSIT 537 Technologies might have placed more of an emphasis on user interface and web site design for a sleeker look and feel.