Internet Exploration RET Corps Member: Kelly Shepard Workshop Attendee Group Members: Barb Heideman, Zarina Qadir, Shara Fata, Stephen Ha, Corey Brown IIT Research Mentor: Dr. Tricha Anjali This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant No. EEC Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Overview of Module Topics Covered: Technology, Engineering, Surf The Net, World Wide Web Student Involvement: –Well engaged –Shared their thoughts –Shared their prior knowledge –Cooperative grouping and decision making
Pretest/Posttest Results Ques #PrePostDelta % % % % % % % %
Design Activity World Wide Web Brief Description: Students will play a game that simulates the transmission of data through a poorly designed Internet. Afterward, they will design an improved network. Lessons Learned: –“Surf the Net” must be completed to build prior knowledge of vocabulary. –Students must function as parts of the Internet to send information through the correct path. –Persona of an engineer
Inquiry Electromagnets Brief Description: Through scientific inquiry, students will make and investigate the characteristics of electromagnets. Lessons Learned: –How to build electromagnets strong enough to pick up paper clips. –Decision making –Evaluating –Synthesizing –Analysis
Ethics Brief Description: Morally permissible behaviors that each member of a group wants everyone, including themselves, to follow. Lessons Learned: –Participation among students –How to respect each others point of view –Copyright infringement ethics
Improvements/ Recommendations Engineering Design: –More time! Break activity into 3 lessons (vocabulary, protocol, design). –Designing improved network should be homework. –Students should work within a given budget. Scientific Inquiry: –Well planned activity –Add unnecessary materials to promote decision making
Improvements/ Recommendations Professional Ethics: –Discuss “A Format for Ethical Decision Making”. –Discuss ethical issues surrounding the development and use of the Internet. Materials: –Affordable and easily accessible. –Battery holders prevent students from getting burned. –Provide long nails and bolts (the longer, the better). –Use magnet wire or very thin, insulated wire
Pros & Cons Pros: –Accommodates students with different learn styles (visual, auditory, written, & kinetic intelligences). –Many opportunities for discussions and decision making. –Applications for all levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Cons: –Design activity is time consuming. Students must be familiar with protocols prior to activity. –More than 1 teacher is needed to successfully complete activity. –PC questions should be color coded.
Modifications Elementary (K-4): Songs, Chart designs, Bingo Middle (5-8): Mapping, Jeopardy High School (9-12) : Change electromagnetic energy to mechanical energy For All Grades: Make activities competitive