HSC: All My Own Work Copyright
HSC: All My Own Work What is copyright and what does it protect? How does it relate to me? Copyright is really important to us. It is one of those things that a lot of people do not pay much attention to, but it relates to just about everything we see around us. Print items (including books) are just a small part. Music, DVDs, CDs, games …. All are subject to copyright. I am going to talk to you about the ethics, morals and honesty aspects of it and perhaps you will learn a little on the way. Listen carefully, as the answers to the quiz are all here.
HSC: All My Own Work Copyright protects what writers, artists and musicians have created. This is called “intellectual copyright” It gives them exclusive rights to authorise copying and communication of their work. People earn money from their creative work. Copyright makes sure that people are paid for the things they create. This presentation has a lot of questions. I am sure you will know the answers, but just see if there are some surprises. 70 years is the magic length of time as royalties are paid for up to seventy years after the author, composer’s death.
HSC: All My Own Work Copyright also protects creative works from being used without the copyright owner’s permission. People earn money from their creative work. In London, the longest running play in the West End is a play called “The Mouse Trap” It is an Agatha Christie play and her niece or nephew is still earning royalties now as the play has been running for 53 years and is the world's longest running play with over 20,000 performances.…. And Agatha Christie has been dead since 1976 so that her nieces and nephews will be pulling royalties until 2045. quite a nice packet of money I assume! When you apply to get permission to use some else’s work or music, make sure you get permission in writing. Email is great.
HSC: All My Own Work Scenario I have produced an original t-shirt design. Is it protected by copyright?
HSC: All My Own Work For example © Toby Wright 2006 Yes Automatically covered by copyright. You do not have to register in Australia, it is free and automatic. It is recommended that you place a copyright notice on your work. For example © Toby Wright 2006
HSC: All My Own Work Question You want to use part of someone else’s design on your T-shirt. Can you do this?
HSC: All My Own Work If the part (no matter how big) is instantly recognisable as that person’s work, then you must get permission.
Copyright generally lasts until 70 years after the author’s death at which time copyright lapses. The work then enters the public domain and it can be used freely without permission or payment of royalties. ?
HSC: All My Own Work Question Will you always have to pay a royalty for using someone else’s design or a sample of someone else’s music in your own work?
HSC: All My Own Work Sometimes you will need to pay. (Make sure you always get an answer in writing.)
HSC: All My Own Work Question Is your own web page covered by copyright?
HSC: All My Own Work Yes Your web page is protected by copyright as you are the creator of an original work. So are your assignments, songs, computer games and artworks. You created tem and you own the copyright. You have the right to control their use and receive money for any copies made. Patents cost a lot of money to register, but if you have invented something, it is worth considering. You can also register wit IP Australia which protects intellectual property.
HSC: All My Own Work Question Does copyright protect ideas?
HSC: All My Own Work No. Protection is for the format. Ideas or inventions need a patent. IP Australia register designs.
HSC: All My Own Work Copyright Act 1968 This Act legally grants and regulates the exclusive right of authors and creators in Australia to control the use of their work and their means to earn a living.
HSC: All My Own Work There are some exceptions……. There are always exceptions…..
HSC: All My Own Work “Fair dealing” Statutory Licences for educational institutions. Fair dealing covers mostly what you would do at school. School pays for statutory licences to cover all what we copy. They can be quite expensive. The renewals this year came to over $20,000.
HSC: All My Own Work Question How much copying can a student do?
HSC: All My Own Work 10% or 1 chapter of a book One whole item from an anthology (<15 pages) One article from a journal Because school paid that >$20,000 you have the right to copy these amounts. When you go to TAFE or Uni, the same will apply
HSC: All My Own Work Question How long does copyright last? We just did that. How many years?
HSC: All My Own Work Generally until 70 years after the author’s death. Then it enters “public domain” “Public domain” means that anyone can use them. Shakespeare is a great example of this. The words to his plays are in public domain. However, if you are thinking about movies of his plays, that is different as the rights belong to whoever made and to whoever distributes the movie.
HSC: All My Own Work Question Is the Copyright Act ever updated?
HSC: All My Own Work The Copyright Act 1968 is amended from time to time to keep up to date These things take time and unfortunately or fortunately the technology world is faster that the law making system, so there is always a lag.
HSC: All My Own Work Question Are there exemptions from seeking copyright permission? There are always exemptions……….
HSC: All My Own Work “Fair dealing” “Fair dealing” for purpose of reviewing Statutory licences for educational institutions We just spoke about this earlier Fair dealing covers book reviews and anyone who reviews for a living and those hugely priced licences that allow us to do that.
HSC: All My Own Work Why is it important to respect intellectual property? Intellectual property is important. We are promoting honesty here – it is wrong to steal! And also because….
HSC: All My Own Work Promote creative communities and rich cultures Promote freedom of speech and expression It is wrong to steal!
HSC: All My Own Work Question Can you charge someone who wants to use your design as part of their work?
HSC: All My Own Work Yes You can charge them money when giving permission. They must still acknowledge your work “attribution” Attribution is a word you should remember, it will come up in a couple of these units or work. It just means acknowledging where you got the information etc
HSC: All My Own Work Question What are some common infringements of copyright? There are a few that you may recognise here – although you people are TARA girls and you wouldn’t do this!
HSC: All My Own Work Copying a video, DVD, film, logo or picture or pirating a CD or computer game. Everyone deserves the right to earn money from selling their original work Infringements are unfortunately common. Every time you copy your friends CD or purchase pirated DVDs you are breaking the law. Saying “It was just one” or “no one will know” doesn’t wash. It’s just dishonest. You are stealing these peoples income just as much as robbing them in the street.
HSC: All My Own Work Question Is there a cultural copyright in place to protect indigenous communities?
HSC: All My Own Work Not yet. Copyright protects individual work instead of traditional work of groups. WIPO with the UN is drafting one Cultural copyright is a little different. Our indigenous people work as a group and the original Act did not cover that. World Intellectual Property Organisation is working with the UN to develop a legislation that will cover all indigenous groups.
HSC: All My Own Work Copyright in a digital environment Is there a difference?
HSC: All My Own Work Similar limits apply in digital environments Check for a copyright notice online - Not everything is copyright free Copyright is international
HSC: All My Own Work The Copyright Act was amended in 2000. The Copyright Amendment (Digital Agenda) Act 2000 gives owners on the Internet certain exclusive rights including the right to reproduce material and the right to communicate the material to the public 2000 is quite a while back. Do you think that technology has advanced far in the past 6 years?
HSC: All My Own Work Question What is “communication right”?
HSC: All My Own Work It’s an extra right in addition to copyright associated with the internet. Transmission of material Joint author and publisher
HSC: All My Own Work Question Does “copyright-free” always mean that I can use an image or content?
HSC: All My Own Work Not always There may be obligations such as attribution, registration or subscription I had a class the other day in the lab and they were looking for images. Free has a couple of different meanings. Do you mean free to download or copyright free? They are very different. It was quite a discussion. The bottom line was they wanted the image……. Can anyone tell me how some images are protected on the web?
HSC: All My Own Work Question How can you download copyright-free images?
HSC: All My Own Work Read the “Terms of Use” and “Copyright” sections on the website carefully. If it is not there, it is copyright-free Enquire through the web site for permission to use information you require. That’s why they have the “Contact me” or “Email us” buttons. Always get your answers in writing. There any many databases of copyright free images available. We have some bookmarked on the Library Website.
HSC: All My Own Work Question What is the international symbol for copyright?
HSC: All My Own Work © See, it must be international if we all recognise it…..
HSC: All My Own Work Question How do you contact an author or web page creator to ask for online copyright permission? I think we just did this, can anyone remember?
HSC: All My Own Work Through the web site Get answers in writing
HSC: All My Own Work Music and copyright Music and images in digital media and on the internet are subject to copyright – unless there is a clear statement by creator. Music is another issue. One of the current Year 12s was trying to get permission for a certain song to back her art unit. She emailed everyone she could think of and phoned the music publishing house several times. They didn’t get back to her and she had to find another piece of music. This could happen to you, so always have a back up plan.
HSC: All My Own Work Any “substantial portion” requires permission even when it is used for study or review purposes. (Even a tiny portion may be instantly recognisable) She should have had no problem for use in school but as the work was leaving the school and going to the BOS and be heard out of the location, it was required that she get permission. Remember that a tiny portion could just be a couple of bars of easily recognisable music.
HSC: All My Own Work Four rights associated with music Reproduction right Communication right Performance right Mechanical right These four rights associated with music are important. All important – remember you are having a test!
HSC: All My Own Work Music performance rights APRA – Australasian Performing Right Association Music for advertisements AMCOS - Australian Mechanical Copyright Owners’ Society This is another organisation that the school pays licence fees to. This gives us the right to use music in our school
HSC: All My Own Work Question How do you get copyright permission for music?
HSC: All My Own Work Many people to be contacted 3 copyrights – Musical work Lyrics Sound recording I had to check for Mr Griffiths before Oklahoma about another production he wanted to put on. The first one, there are no performance rights available in Australia. We could not do it. Shall we say that Andrew Lloyd Webber is still alive. The second was a different musical and he wanted to re choreograph a dance. He could not get the reproduction rights or the communication right to do this either. We got Oklahoma instead.
HSC: All My Own Work You may have to contact the recording company and music publisher for licences. Email a band’s website or contact AMCOS. There is no set fee – negotiate! Remember that a tiny portion could just be a couple of bars of easily recognisable music. It is important that you get permission and sometimes that means that you pay royalties! Royalties are not a set amount – so be polite, well mannered etc and see how cheap they can get! Sometimes they are happy to give you permission for free as long as you give them credit – everywhere!
HSC: All My Own Work Tips and hints Know the requirements of copyright Check the copyright details of any material you wish to use Copyright is the same whether digital or print “Substantial portion”
HSC: All My Own Work APRA AMCOS Copyright Australia Screenrights Australia Australian Copyright Council Copyright Agency Limited APA ASA ALCA IP Australia National Copyright Guidelines This is a list of all the organisations that help monitor Copyright in Australia. They all have websites, and lots of reading! This is a tricky minefield……
HSC: All My Own Work NSW Board of Studies HSC : All My Own Work :: Copyright
HSC: All My Own Work http://2008amowbghs.wordpress.com All my own work Module – Copyright Here is where you go to complete the next moodle. Good luck and I will see you soon for the last two sessions.