1 Specification of IT Systems Mandatory Exercise Week 2 – Group 7 Ebbe Oberlin Flarup Henrik Skaarup Andersen Thomas John Hørlyck Christensen
2 Mission statement z#1: Mission statement z***************** zThe following mission statement was made, after the creation of a goal tree and 3 refinement trees, which made it easier to map out the specific responsibilities the system should handle. There is a form of mapping from responsibilities to goals and thus we get a sort of consistency when reading through all the project material. zName : Netcafe Management System zAcronym : NCMS zPurpose : z- To support effective and efficient management of Net Cafes zResponsibilities : z- Support automatic administration of user groups z- Support automatic tracking of time and money z- Support efficient and effective administration of user PCs z- Support effective security management zExclusions : z- Does not manage sales. z- Does not manage inventory z- Does not handle staff work planning z- Does not support user waiting lists z- Does not support reservation of user PCs
3 Goal tree
4 Function refinement tree
7 Service descriptions zName : Unlock PC zTriggering event : The administrator selects a PC from the administrator panel and unlocks it. zDelivered sercice : The selected PC unlocks and the automatic timer starts. zAssumptions : The administration panel detects that the PC is online and locked. zName : Create member zTriggering event : The administrator enters member data and requests that the member is created. zDelivered sercice : A member is created with the entered member data. zAssumptions : A guest requests membership of the netcafe. zName : End user session zTriggering event : An administrator locks a PC. zDelivered sercice : The session timer stops and the system calculates the amount of money owed by the user based on price structure, time used and membership type. zAssumptions : The PC was online and in use by a user.
8 Solution discussion zMission statement: zOur responsibilities of our system are inspired by our goals which we identified in the goal tree. However we tried to remind ourselves of which value they had for our system and what they would contribute with when organizing them, Our exclusion list is pretty elaborate as there is a number of things we want to point out to stakeholders that they can not expect the system to do. We’ve tried to follow the guidelines put up in the book and to keep the mission statement clear, simple and explanatory. zFunction refinement trees (FRT): zWe have tried to organize our FRTs such that the subfunctions combined describes the higher level functions, so that everything combine describes the desired effect we want. Furthermore we have tried to keep the functions true to the responsibilities in the mission statement as described in the book. zService description: zThe service descriptions are kept value-oriented. This means that we have saved all the individual details, condtions and preconditions for later and strictly focused on which value the service gives to the environment. Short yet explanatory as according to the book.
9 Connections zOur mission statement is an abstract representation of the desired functionality. zThe SuD is, according to our mission statement, responsible for tasks such as zmaking user group administration and tracking of time and money, automatic. zFurthermore it's responsible for making administration og user PC's and security zmore efficient and effective. zOur goal tree takes the abstract representation og our SuD from the mission statement zand subdivides it into goals we need to fulfill to make our system live up to our zoverall goals. zThe function refinement trees moves on from the goal tree to further specify what it ztakes to make a specific function do what it is supposed to do. zLastly we need to specify some of the services in the system, what triggers them, and zwhat they need to deliver. The services in the SuD has been chosen based some of the zthings that makes the function refinement trees fulfill their purpose.