May 8, 2007 Blogs, Podcasts and Wikis Kate Pitcher, SUNY Geneseo
May 8, 2007 Web 2.0 Tools You Can Use Web 2.0 is the second generation of web-based services and tools which make content creation on the web easier and more accessible to a wide variety of users.
May 8, 2007 Questions to answer… What are these Web 2.0 social collaboration tools? Why should your library should use these tools to distribute and share content to users? How can your library use these tools to distribute and share content with users?
May 8, 2007 Web 2.0 in action… “recommendations” and Wish Listsrecommendations Flickr photo sharing tagging and bookmarking YouTube video chat and instant messaging blogging mixing and creating music files “participatory web” Mashups of content Google Maps
May 8, 2007 What is Library 2.0? Maness’ theory of Library 2.0 ¹: A theory for Library 2.0 could be understood to have these four essential elements: User-centered Provides a multi-media experience Socially rich Communally innovative
May 8, 2007 Library 2.0 in action… “Recommendations” in library catalog Tagging of books in library catalog (Users make their own subject headings!) Subscribe to an RSS feed notifying patrons of new books Patrons post book reviews to a library hosted blog Library news using blog format Library patrons add and edit content to a subject guide wiki on library’s website IM at reference desk Downloading music and books onto iPods Offering podcasts of events through library website
May 8, 2007 Blogs “…online journals or websites where users can post commentary, links and news…” “[Blogs] enable the rapid production and consumption of Web- based publications”
May 8, 2007 What makes a blog different? Dated entries (“posts”) Each “post” has a permanent webpage created automatically (“permalink”) Links to favorite or recommended blogs (“blogroll”) Content is syndicated to users (“RSS feed”) Readers can leave comments Posts are archived
May 8, 2007 Why a blog? Categorization of posts Tagging the content of posts No need to know HTML Role of hyperlink Interactivity with reader Frequency & currency of content Blogging community
May 8, 2007 Anatomy of a post…
May 8, 2007 Clicking on Comments in the SJCPL Blog… A comment left by a library patron on the Milne Library News blog…
May 8, 2007 SUNY Geneseo, Milne Library
May 8, 2007 Integrate & collaborate with your campus courseware or portal….
May 8, 2007 Who reads blogs? 27% of Internet users read blogs as of November that’s 32 million people! greater-than-average growth of readers among women, minorities, and those between the ages of tend to be young, male, well-educated and veteran Internet users
May 8, 2007 Why should your library have a blog? News Current events Interaction with library patrons Market and promote different library services Easy to create, maintain and update No HTML skills necessary User feedback FREE!
May 8, 2007 What makes a successful library blog? currency frequency relevance to library or patron’s needs well written interaction with patrons through comments know your purpose and focus simplicity lots of hyperlinks Syndicate the content with an RSS feed publicize
May 8, 2007 Tips for successful blogging… Collaborate Edit Policy Interaction Purpose
May 8, 2007 Some library blogs… Ann Arbor District Library Moraine Valley Community College St. Joseph County Public Library Stark County Law Library Georgia State University Library Waterboro Public Library
May 8, 2007 What you need: Application (many free services will host your blog: Blogger, WordPress, LiveJournal, etc. ) BloggerWordPressLiveJournal Commitment (“buy-in” from your contributors) Technical support (at least one person who can fool with the code behind the application if you want to host it on your own server) Training
May 8, 2007 Free blog applications Blogger WordPress LiveJournal Diaryland (hosted) Pitas (hosted) Slash (open source app) Greymatter (open source app) LifeType (open source app)
May 8, 2007 Other blog applications (cost $$) Movable Type ($) TypePad ($) Radio Userland ($) Manila ($)
May 8, 2007 Blogger Free Easy to use Will host your blog (no need to put blog on your own server) No prior knowledge of HTML or CSS needed Tutorials available
May 8, 2007 WordPress Free Customize the look of your blog Will host your blog on their server No need to learn HTML or CSS
May 8, 2007 LiveJournal Joining the site is free Will host your blog on their server “Online journaling community” Additional services such as IM and text messaging are possible
May 8, 2007 What in the heck is RSS??RSS Real Simple Syndication Rich Site Summary RSS lets publishers use XML code to define the content of their Web sites, much the way HTML lets them determine the format in which content is displayed.htm =.rss Graphic used to indicate RSS files
May 8, 2007 Blog Today’s post RSS Feed Feeds into an aggregator or Newsreader Subscribers Archived posts How RSS Feeds work…
May 8, 2007 RSS Advantages visitors can access multiple sites without having to go to each one subscribe to the RSS feeds of sites you like and the content comes to you use a news aggregator to read the headlines and links in one place do not need to give out your address to web sites to receive updates will need a aggregator to read content Jardin, Xeni. “Why RSS is Everywhere.” Wired. April May
May 8, 2007 RSS Aggregator Resources… Bloglines Bloglines FeedDemon FeedDemon NewsGator NewsGator PocketRSS PocketRSS My Yahoo! My Yahoo!
May 8, 2007 Library-related RSS Feeds Pubmed Pubmed Library Stuff Library Stuff LISNews LISNews Library Jobs Library Jobs Research Buzz Research Buzz Resource Shelf Resource Shelf
May 8, 2007 Wikis “…collaborative websites where users can add, edit, or delete content on a certain topic, using a web browser...”
May 8, 2007 The best example…
May 8, 2007 What makes a wiki different? Multiple users may edit content Searchable No formal HTML coding experience needed Very similar to many content management systems Upload documents and files
May 8, 2007 LIS Wiki
May 8, 2007 Ohio University Libraries
May 8, 2007 Milne Library WebDev Wiki
May 8, 2007 Library Instruction Wiki
May 8, 2007 Why use a wiki in your library? Document management (i.e. training documents, manuals, meeting minutes, etc.) Archive Intranet Collaboration by many (faculty, students, community users, etc.) Knowledge base Project management tool Staff internal communication
May 8, 2007 Useful features… Track recent changes (RSS feeds can be incorporated so users can be notified immediately) History of page revisions (With some wiki apps, you can revert back to a previous version of the wiki) Accessibility of documents and information through a web-based browser login (can be password-protected)
May 8, 2007 Some disadvantages… Mostly text-based Anyone (if you don’t require login) can contribute and edit documents Must use special “wiki” editing syntax to make changes or contribute content – this can be cumbersome for some users to learn
May 8, 2007 What you need: Application (many free software apps: PBwiki, Wetpaint, MediaWiki, DokuWiki; just to name a few)PBwikiWetpaint MediaWikiDokuWiki Commitment (“buy-in” from your contributors) Technical support (at least one person who can fool with the code behind the application) Training
May 8, 2007 Wiki tools PBwiki MediaWiki DokuWiki TWiki (open source app) ClearWiki (free for 10 users) Wetpaint (free) SeedWiki (free; multiple wikis)
May 8, 2007 PBwiki Free Hosted (no need to download software) Web-based; login from any internet browser
May 8, 2007 MediaWiki Open source application Download and install on your own server Designed for use with large websites/multiple servers Some WYSIWYG Editing syntax allows users to edit and contribute content without knowledge of HTML
May 8, 2007 DokuWiki Open source application Download and install on your own server Has its own editing syntax for contributing and editing content
May 8, 2007 Podcasts “…syndicated audio or video content in a multimedia file meant for play on a handheld device (such as an iPod) or a personal computer…”
May 8, 2007 iPods Can be used as… hard drive calendar contact manager audio recorder save text files photo library notes reader alarm clock PDF library video player can be projected w/LCD or TV music
May 8, 2007 MP3 players
May 8, 2007 Why should we care? “…Teachers in every strata of education are increasingly dealing with a student population that is not only more wired than they are but also grew up in a techno-drenched atmosphere that has trained them to absorb and process information in fundamentally different ways. This generation of students is more likely to be armed with cell phones, laptops, and iPods than with spiral notebooks and #2 pencils…”
May 8, 2007 To be or not to be… Why should libraries create podcasts? Library tours Special events Story times Book reviews Readings Guest lectures Campus events Student research presentations
May 8, 2007 Arizona State University Libraries
May 8, 2007 Bridgewater College: Internet Podcast Resources
May 8, 2007 Grand Rapids Public Library
May 8, 2007 South Huntington (NY) Public Library
May 8, 2007 How do we find and subscribe to podcasts? Find a podcast you are interested in listening to Find the orange “RSS” or “POD” button Click button OR copy and paste the URL into your RSS reader
May 8, 2007 Subscribing to podcasts with iTunes…
May 8, 2007 How do we create podcasts? Two easy ways: 1. Create podcasts by phone 2. Use recording software to: Record audio and convert it to a downloadable format (MP3) Create a text file which describes the audio (RSS) Upload to the web
May 8, 2007 Podcasting Tools Gabcast podOmatic Odeo
May 8, 2007 Gabcast Free Record podcasts by phone
May 8, 2007 Creating a podcast by phone… Toll-free number Click on “Testing” icon to get the podcast and play!
May 8, 2007 podOmatic Free Record your own podcasts
May 8, 2007 Odeo Free Upload MP3 files
May 8, 2007 Elements needed for recording your own podcast Recording & editing software Microphone Audio card Convert audio file to MP3 file format Upload MP3 file to server Create an RSS feed for the podcast
May 8, 2007 Recording Software Sound Recorder (found with most Windows OS) Audacity (for PCs and Macs; free) GarageBand (for Macs)
May 8, 2007 Creating an RSS feed for your podcast: 1. Apply Tool’s Podcast RSS Feed Generator: 2. Poderator: 3. PodcastBlaster:
May 8, 2007 In order to create the RSS feed for your podcast, follow these steps: 1. Create a plain text file on your computer (i.e..TXT file if you are on Windows. Note,.DOC or other will not work). 2. Copy and past the podcast XML code into the new file. 3. Rename the file to "podcast.xml" and upload to your server.
May 8, 2007 Example of RSS feed as it appears when I click on podcast logo…
May 8, 2007 Works Cited 1. Maness, J. M. (2006). Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries. Webology, 3(2). Retrieved January 17, 2007, from (2006). Library 2.0 Meme Map. Flickr. Retrieved March 17, 2007, from 3. Habib, M. (2006). Toward Academic Library 2.0: development and application of a library 2.0 methodology. A Master’s Paper for the M.S. in L.S degree, November Retrieved January 17, 2007, from Rainie, L. (2005). Memo: the state of blogging. Pew Internet & American Life Project, January Retrieved 10 February 2005, from McHugh, J. (2005). Synching up with the iKid. Edutopia Magazine, October Retrieved March 26, 2007, from
May 8, 2007 Recommended Resources: Library 2.0 (2006). Library LISWiki. Retrieved February 2, 2007, from LISWiki. Web site: Crawford, W. (2006). Library 2.0 and “Library 2.0”. Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large, 6(2). Retrieved January 17, 2007, from Miller, P. (2006). Library The Challenge of Disruptive Innovation. Retrieved January 17, 2007, from O'Reilly, T. (2005a). What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software. Retrieved January 17, 2007, from Stephens, M. (2005). ALA TechSource - Do Libraries Matter: On Library & Librarian 2.0. Retrieved Nov. 17, 2006, from American Library Association. Web site: 20.html 20.html Stephens, M. (2006). Web 2.0 & libraries: best practices for social software. Library Technology Reports, 42, no. 4. Chicago: ALA TechSource.
May 8, 2007 Contact Info… Kate Pitcher Reference/Instruction & Web Development Librarian Milne Library SUNY Geneseo This presentation is available online at: