WED 503 Stud 1 WED 503 Stud 3 WED 503 Stud 4 WED 503 Stud 2 WED 503 Stud 3 WED 503 Stud 2 WED 503 Stud 1 WED 503 Stud 2 WED 503 Stud 4 WED 504 Group Project
Needs Assessment and Analysis WED 503 and 504 August 23, 2005
WED 503 and Needs Assessment The systematic process of determining goals, identifying discrepancies between actual and desired conditions and establishing priorities for action (Lee & Roadman, 1991) The systematic process of determining goals, identifying discrepancies between actual and desired conditions and establishing priorities for action (Lee & Roadman, 1991)
August 23, 2005 WED 503 and Needs Analysis Obtain more detailed information about what is to be developed Obtain more detailed information about what is to be developed Audience AnalysisAudience Analysis Technology AnalysisTechnology Analysis Objective AnalysisObjective Analysis Media AnalysisMedia Analysis
August 23, 2005 WED 503 and Audience Analysis Identify the background, learning characteristics, and prerequisite skills of the audience Identify the background, learning characteristics, and prerequisite skills of the audience What is the targeted audience most familiar with and comfortable using? What is the targeted audience most familiar with and comfortable using? Do they have computer skills?Do they have computer skills? What is their preferred learning style?What is their preferred learning style? Do they have a language preference?Do they have a language preference? Are there any special requirements?Are there any special requirements?
August 23, 2005 WED 503 and Technology Analysis Identify existing technology capabilities Identify existing technology capabilities What is the availability of… What is the availability of… Communication technology?Communication technology? Testing and assessment technology?Testing and assessment technology? Reference materials or support?Reference materials or support? Technology for distribution of training support?Technology for distribution of training support? Technology for delivery of training?Technology for delivery of training? Expertise?Expertise?
August 23, 2005 WED 503 and Objective analysis Write the objectives for the job tasks to be delivered Write the objectives for the job tasks to be delivered Write objectives within the learning domains Write objectives within the learning domains CognitiveCognitive AffectiveAffective MotorMotor PsychomotorPsychomotor MetacognitveMetacognitve
August 23, 2005 WED 503 and Media analysis Select the appropriate media delivery strategy Select the appropriate media delivery strategy Computer-based Computer-based Web-based Web-based Use of the Internet or intranet to distribute training over a WAN or LANUse of the Internet or intranet to distribute training over a WAN or LAN