Co-operative Federation of NSW Limited Overview of Co-operatives in NSW
NSW Co-operatives – 2006 data Turnover$4,690 million Cost of Goods Sold$2,938 million Net profit$71 million Export revenue$391 million Overview of Co-operatives in NSW Figures quoted from “State of the Sector Report NSW Co-operatives 2006” Registry of Co-operatives and Associations
NSW Co-operatives – 2006 data Total assets$2,199 million Net assets$967 million after deducting share capital of $287 million Overview of Co-operatives in NSW Figures quoted from “State of the Sector Report NSW Co-operatives 2006” Registry of Co-operatives and Associations
NSW Co-operatives – 2006 data Turnover$4,690 million 45%manufacturing 20%retailing 16%wholesaling 8% agriculture, forestry & fishing 4%accommodation, cafes & restaurants Overview of Co-operatives in NSW Figures quoted from “State of the Sector Report NSW Co-operatives 2006” Registry of Co-operatives and Associations
NSW Co-operatives – 2006 data Turnover$4,690 million NSW Gross State Product$310,091 million 33% of Australian GDP Overview of Co-operatives in NSW Figures quoted from “State of the Sector Report NSW Co-operatives 2006” Registry of Co-operatives and Associations
NSW Co-operatives – 2006 data Turnover$4,690 million Trading co-operatives$3,562 million Non-Trading co-ops$1,128 million Overview of Co-operatives in NSW Figures quoted from “State of the Sector Report NSW Co-operatives 2006” Registry of Co-operatives and Associations
NSW Co-operatives – 2006 data Export revenue$391 million Agriculture, forestry & fishing64% Manufacturing35% Overview of Co-operatives in NSW Figures quoted from “State of the Sector Report NSW Co-operatives 2006” Registry of Co-operatives and Associations
NSW Co-operatives – 2006 data Number of members1,528,042 But one large co-op has >1.2 million NSW population 30/6/07 estimated at 6.9 million – total Australian population 21 million Overview of Co-operatives in NSW Figures quoted from “State of the Sector Report NSW Co-operatives 2006” Registry of Co-operatives and Associations
NSW Co-operatives – 2006 data Number of employees9,721 Member directors4,403 Employee directors68 Independent directors48 Overview of Co-operatives in NSW Figures quoted from “State of the Sector Report NSW Co-operatives 2006” Registry of Co-operatives and Associations
NSW Co-operatives – 2006 data Registered co-operatives 30/6/06643 Trading159 Non-trading with shares302 Non-trading without shares182 Overview of Co-operatives in NSW Figures quoted from “State of the Sector Report NSW Co-operatives 2006” Registry of Co-operatives and Associations
Co-operative Federations in Australia State based legislation – state based Federations Overview of Co-operatives in NSW
NSW Federation Provides advice to members Provides & encourages training Runs conference every 18 months Funded by fees based on turnover Overview of Co-operatives in NSW
Registered co-operatives across ANZSIC industry sectors Industry Sector AAgriculture, Forestry & Fishing29.5 CManufacturing15.8 DElectricity, Gas & Water Supply11 EConstruction1 FWholesale Trade44.3 GRetail Trade49.9 HAccommodation, Café & Restaurants177 ITransport & Storage31 JCommunication Services1 KFinance and Insurance7 LProperty & Business Services95.5 NEducation26 OHealth & Community Services48.5 PCultural & Recreational Services74 QPersonal & Other Services31.5 Total643 Overview of Co-operatives in NSW Figures quoted from “State of the Sector Report NSW Co-operatives 2006” Registry of Co-operatives and Associations
Agriculture Codes include: Cut Flower and Flower Seed Growing Grain Growing Sheep Farming Beef Cattle Farming Poultry Farming (Meat) Crop and Plant Growing n.e.c. Cotton Ginning Services to Agriculture n.e.c. Services to Forestry Overview of Co-operatives in NSW
Manufacturing Codes include: Meat Processing Milk and Cream Processing Dairy Product Manufacturing n.e.c. Fruit and Vegetable Processing Sugar Manufacturing Food Manufacturing n.e.c. Wine Manufacturing Tobacco Product Manufacturing Cardigan and Pullover Manufacturing Wood Product Manufacturing n.e.c. Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Manufacturing Services to Printing Other Periodical Publishing Book and Other Publishing Petroleum and Coal Product Manufacturing n.e.c. Fertiliser Manufacturing Overview of Co-operatives in NSW
Co-operatives according to geographic location RegionalNumber of classification co-operatives Turnover Central West41 $44,537,181 Far West1$120,882 Hunter80.5$136,895,334 Illawarra27.5 $41,428,605 Mid North Coast47.5 $218,880,825 Murray18 $37,923,781 Murrumbidgee10 $65,228,471 North Western30 $30,808,438 Northern17 $372,888,628 Richmond-Tweed39.5 $382,904,641 South Eastern96 $341,584,072 Sydney Inner134.5 $1,940,846,767 Sydney Outer71.5 $1,066,725,302 Sydney Surrounds18 $6,743,452 Other2 $2,604,217 Total 634 $4,690,120,596 Overview of Co-operatives in NSW Figures quoted from “State of the Sector Report NSW Co-operatives 2006” Registry of Co-operatives and Associations
Regions in NSW Overview of Co-operatives in NSW
NSW Co-operatives – 2006 data Dividends$9 million Rebates$4 million Overview of Co-operatives in NSW Figures quoted from “State of the Sector Report NSW Co-operatives 2006” Registry of Co-operatives and Associations
Generalisations Not historically important in Australia, compared to other countries Few new co-ops being incorporated Overview of Co-operatives in NSW Unrecognised possibility Current ethos is individualism Professionals don’t understand
Co-operative Activities Organisations that use profits to achieve aims/activities - rather than use activities to achieve profits Profits may not be in co-op but directly in hands of members – may not even be in turnover Overview of Co-operatives in NSW
Boards Basically answerable to Corporations Act Tendency to have Board members too long Not enough training Hard to leave personal interests at meeting room door Usually spend too much time on history Often want to manage Overview of Co-operatives in NSW
Co-operatives Don’t spend enough time reminding members why the co-op is a co-op Not many have subsidiaries Tax rules give advantages Government tends to ignore most of the time CCUs Overview of Co-operatives in NSW
Website address Co-operative Federation of NSW Limited