Vermont Positive Behavior Support Services


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Presentation transcript:

Vermont Positive Behavior Support Services A Framework for Improving Learning and Behavior

What is PBS? Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is a proven, systems-focused approach that: decreases problem behaviors among students, increases on-task engagement, and raises levels of satisfaction with school climate for students, teachers, and parents. “PBS enhances the capacity of schools, districts, and states to adopt and sustain effective behavior and academic support practices.” – May Institute, Partner to the National Technical Assistance Center on PBIS

Positive Behavior Support Primary Outcomes Improvement in the school behavioral climate: Decrease in office referrals suspensions, detentions disruptive classroom behavior Increase in academic performance on-task behavior parent, student and staff satisfaction staff retention

Positive Behavior Supports Continuum Intensive individual interventions Targeted small group, short term individual interventions Universal Application

Public Health & Disease Prevention Kutash et al., 2006; Larson, 1994 Tertiary (FEW) Reduce complications, intensity, severity of current cases Secondary (SOME) Reduce current cases of problem behavior Primary (ALL) Reduce new cases of problem behavior 20 5

How Wide-spread is PBS? PBS has been in existence for nearly 20 years Currently over 42 states are engaged in a State-Wide effort for implementing PBS Over 7000 schools have implemented PBS with fidelity The U.S. Department of Education sponsors national PBS centers in Oregon and Connecticut, the May Institute is a National Center Partner Statewide Behavior Initiatives, National Association of State Directors of Special Education, Inc., inForum, February 2007

How does it work? As part of a multi-year commitment, School Leadership Teams focus their efforts on improving 3 primary areas - School-wide procedures for discipline and student support Targeted interventions designed to prevent further escalation of problems Individualized behavior support planning

Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement 4 PBS Elements OUTCOMES Supporting Decision Making Supporting Staff Behavior SYSTEMS DATA PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior

What should I expect to see/hear in a PBS school (Universal level)? SW-PBS (universal) >80% of students can tell you the school-wide expectations and can say that they have been rewarded for following them. >80% of staff can tell you the school-wide expectations and can say they have acknowledged students for following them. School staff have taught the school-wide expectations to all students. Positive adult-to-student interactions exceed negative School staff agree on which behaviors involve a referral to the office. The school has a leadership team that is representative of school staff and includes an administrator Function based behavior support is foundation for addressing problem behavior. Data- & team-based action planning & implementation are operating. Administrators are active participants. Full continuum of behavior support is available to all students

Teaching Behavioral Expectations: An Instructional Approach DEFINE expectations for behavior TEACH the expected behavior REVIEW expectations regularly MONITOR performance of expected behaviors RECOGNIZE individuals when expected behaviors are demonstrated CORRECT individuals when expected behaviors are not demonstrated 27

PBS - What’s in it for me? School will have common purpose and approaches to discipline - expectations, rewards, and procedures for disruptive behaviors Access to team and data-based decision-making Increase in awareness of school-wide expectations of students and staff Increase in time of quality instruction Improved teacher satisfaction

PBS - What’s expected of me? Support the 3-5 school-wide behavioral expectations Participate in school roll-out activities Apply and teach school-wide expectations in classrooms Reward students for following expectations according to reward system (developed by PBS school leadership team) Use consistent approaches for addressing disruptive behaviors Review data to direct approaches around behavior change

Questions and Answers

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