Introduction to Newark Professor Barr Honor Seminar: Topics in Urban Economics
Newark’s Neighborhoods Map
Newark’s Wards Map
Political Structure 5 wards: North, South, East, West and Central. 9 council members are elected on a nonpartisan basis for terms of 4 years: one council member from each of 5 wards and 4 council members on an at-large basis. The mayor is also elected for a term of 4 years. Next Mayoral election 2006.
Time Line: 1666-1900 1666: Newark is founded 1666 by Connecticut Puritans led by Robert Treat. 1815: Seth Boyden moves to Newark. 1831: Construction of Morris Canal. 1836: Incorporated as City. Mid-late 18th c: Newark becomes industrial powerhouse and home to many European Immigrants.
Time Line: 20th Century 1902: John Cotton Dana becomes head of Newark Public Library. 1910 – 1950s: Large Black migration from South. 1928: Newark Airport begins operation. 1930s: Population peaks at more than 440,000. 1960s: Newark becomes ‘majority minority’ city. 1967: Riots. 1970: Ken Gibson elected Newark’s first black Mayor. 1986: Sharpe James first elected Mayor. 1997: NJPAC. 1990s: Newark’s economic and business climate begins to rebound (The ‘Newark Renaissance’). 2000: Population bottoms out at about 273,000.
Newark’s Population Growth
Newark’s Growth vs. Other Cities in Area
Job Growth
Job Growth (Loss), 1949-1996 Source: 1997 Development…
More job growth
Population Ranking: Selected Cities Note: 239 Cities with >=100,000 people City State 2000 Pop. Rank New York NY 8,008,278 1 Los Angeles CA 3,694,820 2 Chicago IL 2,896,016 3 Houston TX 1,953,631 4 Philadelphia PA 1,517,550 5 Detroit MI 951,270 10 Boston MA 589,141 20 Newark NJ 273,546 63 Jersey City 240,055 72 Paterson 149,222 138 Elizabeth 120,568 182 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Density Rankings: Selected Cities City Persons per Sq. Mile Rank New York, NY 26,404 1 Paterson, NJ 17,765 2 San Francisco, CA 16,632 3 Jersey City, NJ 16,111 4 Cambridge, MA 15,837 5 Boston, MA 12,172 10 Newark, NJ 11,494 13 Elizabeth, NJ 9,883 18
Percent Black or African American City % Black Rank Gary, IN 84.0 1 Detroit, MI 81.6 2 Birmingham, AL 73.5 3 Jackson y, MS 70.6 4 New Orleans, LA 67.3 5 Newark, NJ 53.5 12 Paterson, NJ 32.9 47 New York, NY 26.6 64 Jersey City, NJ 28.3 58 Elizabeth, NJ 20.0 85
Rank of City % Renters, 2000 City % Renters Rank Newark, NJ 76.2 1 Hartford, CT 75.4 2 Jersey City, NJ 71.8 3 New Haven, CT 70.4 4 Elizabeth, NJ 70.3 5 New York, NY 69.8 6 Paterson, NJ 68.5 7
2000 Unemployment City % Unemployed Rank Fresno, CA 12.9 1 Salinas, CA 12.6 2 Stockton, CA 10.4 3 Brownsville, TX 10.1 4 McAllen city, TX 9.7 5 Newark city, NJ 8.1 11 Jersey City, NJ 7.1 21 Elizabeth city, NJ 6.5 31 New York city, NY 5.7 44
Retail Sales per Capita, 1997 City 1997 Sales Rank Bellevue, WA 26,682 1 Clearwater, FL 25,606 2 Knoxville, TN 23,349 3 Costa Mesa, CA 23,014 4 Torrance, CA 22,224 5 Jersey City, NJ 6,662 195 New York, NY 5,677 213 Newark, NJ 3,419 236 Paterson, NJ 2,752 239
Comparison of Newark and New Jersey
Newark vs. New Jersey (2000 unless noted) Variable Newark N.J. Population 273,546 8,414,350 % White 26.5% 72.6% % Black or African American 53.5% 13.6% % Hispanic 29.5% 13.3% % Asian 1.2% 5.7% % Pop. Change from 1990 to 2000 -0.6% 8.6% % Living in same house from 1995 to 2000', age 5+ 54.4% 59.8% % Foreign born 24.1% 17.5% % Speak Lang. other than Eng. at home, age 5+ 42.6% 25.5% Source:
Newark vs. N.J. cont. (2000 unless noted) Variable Newark N.J. % High school graduates, age 25+ 57.9% 82.1% % Bachelor's degree or higher, age 25+ 9.0% 29.8% Homeownership rate 23.8% 65.6% Median value of owner-occupied housing units $119,000 $170,800 Median household income, 1999 $26,913 $55,146 Per capita income, 1999 $13,009 $27,006 % Below poverty, 1999 28.40% 8.50% Source:
Newark vs. New Jersey (2000 unless noted) Retail sales per capita, 1997 $3,419 $9,922 Total number of firms, 1997 10,514 654,227 Firms Per 1,000 Persons 38.4 77.8 % Minority-owned firms, 1997 37.8% 15.6% % Women-owned firms, 1997 19.6% 23.7% Persons per square mile (density) 11,495 1,134 Source:
Newark Census Tract Maps
% Black
% White
% Hispanic
Median Household Income
% Unemployed
% Vacant Units
% of Residents 25+ with Bachelor’s Degree
% of HHs w/ Female Head in Pov.
Crime Rate: # Crimes per 100,000 residents
Newark’s Crime vs. U.S. 1985 - 2003
Housing Permits