Metro Detroit’s Community Summit on Ending Homelessness YOUTHS INMATES PATIENTS DISCHARGING
A primary component of facilitating a successful transition from public system care into the community. Discharge Planning
Who Needs Discharge Planning? Patients Youths out of Foster Care Ex-offenders
Homeless individuals occupy space in our prison system, which cost taxpayers approximately $20,000 annually. Most ex-offenders lack educational skills to compete in today’s job market. FACTS
Assist individuals with re-entry to the community. Prevent vulnerable populations from becoming homeless or criminalized. Connect individuals to permanent supported housing and other main stream resources. Goals
Objective: To establish programs that would eliminate “direct homelessness” of individuals being released from public care.
Shareholders Sheriff Wayne County City of Detroit Police Department Discharge Planning Michigan Dept. Of Corrections Michigan Family Independence Agency Hospitals and Mental Health Institutions Wayne County Department Of Community Justice Local Judicial System Community
Youths face social and economic conditions that leads to increase in the homelessness populations. Youths returning to the community are confronted with housing barriers. FACTS
Statistics On Youths 400 of Michigan’s 19,500 Foster Care kids age out of the system each year. One in three are in the criminal system within one year of aging out Fewer than 15% go to College “Tim Martin Lansing State Journal”, 12/17/03
They are 3 times likely to be unemployed Twice as likely to lack insurance Seven times likely to be on Public Assistance Statistics On Youths “Tim Martin Lansing State Journal”, 12/17/03
In Michigan, an estimate of 12,000 inmates are expected to be paroled during 20% are released to the streets or shelters. Statistics
Recommendations Assessed for efficiency, expediency and quality. Formation of a Working Group to refine the current system of discharge planning from public systems.