BL/ENVS 481S Seminar in Tropical Ecology Geography of Belize General Geography (Dr. Kleier) Climate Terrestrial Ecosystems Geology (Dr. Ghedotti)
Belize – Some facts Population about 290,000 (about Boulder) Size of New Hampshire Official language is English, followed by Spanish, Caribbean languages 49% population is Roman Catholic followed by Protestant religions Major exports is sugar (1/2 of all exports), followed by bananas, oranges, and wood Tourism rapidly growing economy Second largest barrier reef in the world (largest in the Western Hemisphere) On Central time (one hour earlier than CO)
Belize is tropical Approximately 15 o to 18 o North Belize City mean monthly minima ranging from 16º C (60º F) in winter to 24º C (75º F) in summer Mean monthly maxima range from 28º C (82º F) in winter to 33º C (91º F) in summer Not much temp variation through the year Wet Season/Dry Season
Biodiversity in Belize TaxaBelizeColorado Mammals Birds Amphibians/Reptiles15168 Fishes60012 (???) Vascular Plants
Topography Mostly flat Mountains in the South called the Maya Mountains Highest mountain is 3,800 ft (1160 m) Lowest point is sea level
Ecosystems of Belize Many different ecosystems despite small size Most have to do with differing soil types Both deciduous and evergreen forests broadleaf and pine Lowland Pine Forest Lowland Broad-leaved Wet Forest Montane Pine Forest Montane Broad-leaved Moist Forest Mangrove Forest Shrublands
Conservation in Belize 92 separate terrestrial and marine reserves 44% of country is protected (majority toward mountains) Compare to 25% of Costa Rica