1 Keck NGAO Project Replan: Science Cases and Requirements Claire Max NGAO Team Meeting 6 April 25, 2007
3 Not on this list Orion Initial Mass Function Orion Initial Mass Function Mira Variables Mira Variables T Tauri T Tauri
4 AO Roll-Up to date
5 Summary of rolled-up requirements Wavelength range m Wavelength range m Wavefront error: 140 nm Wavefront error: 140 nm – Tip-tilt blurring has not been thoroughly explored yet – 170 nm acceptable for some science cases Enclosed energy (high-z galaxies): 50% within 0.07 arc sec over >30% of sky Enclosed energy (high-z galaxies): 50% within 0.07 arc sec over >30% of sky Contrast: Contrast: – I=5.5 at 0.5 arc sec sep'n – H=53 at 1 arc sec sep'n
6 Rolled-up requirements, contd Photmetric accuracy: 5% Photmetric accuracy: 5% Astrometric accuracy: Astrometric accuracy: – Galactic Center 0.1 mas – Other science cases mas Added background due to AO system: Added background due to AO system: – Less than 30% above (sky + telescope) Radial velocity accuracy <10 km/s Galactic Ctr Radial velocity accuracy <10 km/s Galactic Ctr Time to switch between LGS targets < 10 min Time to switch between LGS targets < 10 min