Do Now Make sure your HW is on your desk. At the bell, begin to silently and independently begin working on your Do Now. HOMEWORK: Rewrite your story (Wednesday's homework assignment) from the perspective of another person or thing in the story that is at least two pages long, single-spaced. After writing, you must label the parts of speech in the same way, but be sure to also highlight every prepositional phrase.
Objectives Identify prepositions in a text. Compare and contrast different perspectives in news articles.
Agenda Do Now: Parts of Speech Review (10) Grammar: Parts of Speech Notes (5) Share Stories (10) Composition: Brainstorm (40) 2 st Period: Vocabulary Exit Ticket (10) 3 rd -5 th Period: Intro to Gale!
Grammar: Verbs Review There are 2 Kinds of Verbs: Action verbs and Linking verbs. Action Verbs: Stephon roared in the MPR during Spirit Week. Linking: Stephon is a lion. Verb phrases are composed of more than one verb. The lions were prepared to take down Chicago Bulls.
Grammar: Prepositions Prepositions are words used to show the relationship of a noun or a pronoun to another word in the sentence.
Preposition List about above across after against along among around at before behind below beneath beside between by down during except for from in in front of inside instead of into like near of off
Composition: Story Telling Exchange your stories with a partner. As you read your partner’s paper, check that they have appropriately marked all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and verbs. With a different color highlighter, highlight every prepositional phrase in your partner’s paper.
Portfolio Assignment #12 Due 11/14 We will start researching articles for your paper tomorrow!
Composition: Model Read and annotate two articles about Occupy Wall Street (#OWS). After reading, complete the brainstorming sheet with a partner. This is what you will be doing with your own essay over the weekend!
(Not 1 st Period) Intro to Gale Resources Suggestions for Assignment #12 Topics: Occupy Wall Street NBA Lockout Qaddafi’s Death Obama’s 2012 Presidential Campaign Obama’s Student Loan Plan Population Growth (7 Billion) Sex Education Medical Help for Illegal Immigrants Troop Withdrawal from Iraq Capital Punishment
2 nd Period: Vocabulary Exit Ticket Draw a cartoon depicting one of the Occupy Wall Street articles. In the caption, explain the cartoon using at least two of your vocabulary words (from this week and all past weeks).