Programming for Artists ART 315 Dr. J. R. Parker Art/Digital Media Lab Lec 01 Fall 2010
2 Instructor (ME) Dr. Jim Parker Specialty: Digital media, video games, animation Office: AB606 LAB: AB611
3 Programming??? What is computer programming? Why would an artist want to know how to do it? What can I do with what I will learn? How long is this lecture, anyway?
4 Who Am I. Who cares? Well, if I am to teach programming, you should be convinced that I know something about it. Taught Computer Science for 26 years. Coached international programming team 20 years 4 books and 140 technical works/papers Specialties: simulation, computer vision
5 Who are You? Why are you here? What do you know? What do you want/need to know? Major? Artistic ambitions?
6 What will we do? We will learn to make a computer do our bidding. Programming is a crude word. It is correct, but implies a kind of force. Tools we’ll use: GameMaker, Processing, Alice. All are downloadable for free.
7 Assignments: Readings (and reading responses) 10% In-Lab Assignments 25% Take Home assignments (in groups) 35% Term project – a Generative Art Piece 30% Attendence: required. - Miss 3 classes: lose a ‘+’. - come to class unprepared: be counted absent. (if given a reading or a presentation, you must be ready)
8 What Else? Now is your chance. The goal is to make learning about computers non-threatening, and to allow you to use them as effective art creation tools. To make a computer do your bidding, you need to know how to program it.