1 Hurricane Liaison Team (HLT) June 3, 2010 Gulf States Hurricane Conference Steve Dumovich, Fire Chief (ret.) Hurricane Program Manager FEMA Region 6 Denton, TX
What is the HLT? The HLT is a team of fulltime FEMA employees and Disaster reservists and National Weather Service (NWS) meteorologists and/or hydrologists. The HLT members represent the five hurricane regions- FEMA Region 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 The mission of the HLT is to support hurricane response operations and decision-making by local, State and Federal officials through the rapid and accurate exchange of information between the NHC, the NWS and the emergency management community. The HLT interacts primarily with the state EOC and the Region. States are encouraged to contact their state EOC representative.
HLT Responsibilities Establish and facilitate video and/or teleconferences between FEMA, the NHC (Miami, FL), other National Weather Service (NWS) offices/centers and State Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Obtain and make available the latest information on the status of the storm to all authorized government agencies and respond to specific requests for such information. Direct meteorological questions, issues and concerns from any emergency management officials to NHC Hurricane Specialists or Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs), as appropriate. Solicit and relay emergency management issues, needs and concerns to NHC Hurricane Specialists and appropriate WFOs in real time. Develop and maintain up-to-date internet website information on the storm for use by emergency management agencies and the general public.
Deploying the HLT Region 6 has several individuals listed on the HLT roster. Upon request from FEMA-HQ and the NHC, one member of the Region’s team will deploy to the NHC. (Funding for the deployment is managed by FEMA’s National Hurricane Program) NHC-HLT consists of: Hurricane Manager (FEMA-PFT assigned to NHC) Regional Team Leader (FEMA Region Representative) HLT Specialist (FEMA Region Representative) Technical Service Specialist (FEMA Mt. Weather) Meteorologist/Hydrologist (NOAA-NWS) Regional Risk Analyst (FEMA or NWS at the Region RRCC)
Region 6 Trigger Points
Trigger Point 0 HLT Activation H144+ NHC identifies a developing tropical cyclone Alert HLT for deployment Monitor storm’s track Liaison with the Region’s Sit Unit, SRH and WFO Issue deployment order to HLT members Deploy HLT to NHC per HQ policy and procedure
Trigger Point 1 Deployment H minus Monitor storm track Run initial HURREVAC model Establish communication with NWS-SRH, WFO and Sit Unit in Region upon arrival at NHC HLT provides frequent updates to Region Sit Unit
HLT Updates Position Track Forward speed Intensity Size of Wind Field Storm Surge Potential Rainfall and Flooding Potential
HLT Updates (cont.) Inland Winds and Tornado Potential Possibilities for Landfall Meteorological Discussions Hurricane Local Statements from WFO Reports from Hurricane Hunter Aircraft
Trigger Point 2 Staging/Evac H minus Monitor storm track and development Monitor HURREVAC including evacuation times Run initial SLOSH models Maintain situational awareness with affected Region’s Sit Unit, State and local EM’s and SRH and WFO
SLOSH Basin Map
Trigger Point 3 Evac/Shelter H minus Monitor storm track including Category and potential surge Monitor HURREVAC including evacuation times Monitor SLOSH models Maintain situational awareness with affected Region’s Sit Unit, State and local EM’s and SRH and WFO
Trigger Point 4 Force Protection H minus 30-landfall Define storm’s landfall and potential impact Report surge potential Report changes as necessary
Sea Surface Temperatures