SSL UC Berkeley 2010 June ACE/SOHO/STEREO/Wind Workshop When and Where are Impulsive SEPs Accelerated? Linghua Wang, Bob Lin, S ä m Krucker Space Sciences Lab, UC Berkeley and G. Mason Applied Physics Lab, JHU
The red curves are the best fits to the rise of observations.
Red triangles: Ion injection profiles Black triangles: Electron injection profiles Ion Delay: 48 21 mins Type III
0.92 keV electrons ~ 0.060c 1.67 MeV/nuc ~ 0.060c
Averaged delay of ion release: 1.2±0.2 hours delay of ion release = ion release time – low ( 6-9 keV) energy electron release time
All have a type III burst, but only one has a type II burst. Three possibly have a small GOES SXR flare. Nine have SOHO/LASCO observations. All the nine have a west-limb CME.
CMEs related to electron/ 3 He-rich SEPs (red crosses) average CME speed average width (excluding halo CMEs) CMEs related to 3 He-rich events are fast and rather narrow.
Summary Double electron injections at the Sun: one at energies below 6-9 keV, 9.1 ±2.4 min before the release of type III burst (the source of type III burst) a second at energies above 9-13 keV, 8.2±0.6 min (delayed) after type III burst. Delayed solar injection of 3 He-rich ions: 1.2 ± 0.2 hr w.r.t low-energy ( 6-9 keV) e − s ; 0.9 ± 0.2 hr w.r.t high-energy (≥9-13 keV) e − s ; suggesting a later acceleration.
These events have no strong SXR flares. Among nine events with the SOHO/LASCO observations, all have a fast west-limb CME (>570 km/s). The majority of the fast CMEs are narrow delayed (~1 hour) ion acceleration - CMEs ( ~4 Rs at the ion release time) hardly produce high charge states by stripping - electrons waves accelerate 3 He-rich ions ~ 1 hour delay (???) ; ~ Altitudes > ~ 0.5 Rs
Nτ A ~ – s·cm -3 [e.g., Kocharov et al., 2000; Kartavykh et al., 2006], where N is the plasma density and τ A is the acceleration time scale. If τ A is ~ 1 hour, then N would be ~ 10 6 – 10 7 cm -3, corresponding to altitudes >~ 0.5 Rs, high in the corona. The acceleration mechanism is likely the resonance with wave modes that can preferentially heat/accelerate 3 He and heavy ions due to their unique charge-to-mass ratios [e.g., Fisk, 1978; Temerin & Roth, 1992; Roth & Temerin, 1997; Miller & Viñas, 1993; Miller, 1998; Liu et al., 2006; Paesold et al., 2003] - Interplanetary scattering??