Math 115a– Section 4 Instructor: Kerima Ratnayaka Phone : Office : MTL 124B ( Math Teaching Lab) Office hours : Monday 1:00-2:00 p.m./ Wednesday 1:00-2:00 p.m./ Friday 9:00-10:00 a.m. Class web page: Business Mathematics web page( Course web page):
Course Materials The textbook Math 115a files (Course web page) Blank CD’s or zip disks Syllabus (Math 115a files-UA Bus Math I.ppt)
E-text Release 1.0, 2003, Thompson and Lamoureux, MAA Installation CD (MBD files) and Student Notebook Texts available at the U of A bookstore Required to bring installation CD to all class meetings
Class Attendance Mandatory Class roll will be taken Daily You are responsible for all information Provided in class In the course files Course web page Class web page
Exams Two midterm examinations ( 100 each) Midterm dates ( Tentative dates) Test 1 – June 7 Test 2 – June 28 Missed exams Final Exam- Final – July 7(200 points)
Exams- Contd. . If a student earns a higher percentage on the final examination than on one of the midterms, then the student’s lowest midterm score will be replaced by the percent scored on the final examination.
Teams 3-4 members in each team You need to form your own teams If you cannot find a Team please let me know no later than Wednesday( May 19 th ) Once your team is formed you need to send me an giving the names and s of your team members
Team Contracts Mandatory for all teams Sample of the Team Contract is available on class web page All teams should submit a printed copy of their Team Contracts on May 21 st (In Class)
Team Projects Two major Team projects Each Team will have 3-4 members Each Project is worth total of 150 points Preliminary Report-10 Final Oral Report-60 Final written Report-60 Project quiz-20
Team Homework Each assignment will be 10 points Must include the signature page( If you don’t sign it you will not earn credit for the team HW) Must be computer generated Must be Stapled Must include the Cover page (Front Page) Must show all supporting work to earn full credit If Excel work is part of the HW, you must include sample data/results/graphs Late Assignments will not be accepted Team Homework will be worth 100 points
In-Class Quizzes Frequent pop quizzes Quizzes may be announced or unannounced No make-up quizzes Quizzes will be worth 100 points Lowest 2 pop quiz scores will be dropped
Academic Integrity. All students must abide by, all University of Arizona policies and procedures Particularly the Code of Academic Integrity and the Student Code of Conduct. Students found to be in violation of any of these policies will be appropriately sanctioned. No cheating please ! The Price you will pay is too high
Course Grades Mid Terms Common Final Team Projects Team Homework In Class Quizzes ( No Extra Credit is Permitted)
Course Grade Scale Total PointsGrade A B C D 0-559E
May 19 Read using the computer Text Read MBD part1.ppt (Side numbers 48-54) Topic Introduction to Project 1/ Class Project Bring your installation CD to class
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