CHARACTERISTICS OF WEEDS RESOURCE COMPETITION –Light, Water, & Nutrients CROP QUANTITY –Reduces Yield CROP QUALITY –Reduces Crop Quality & Market Value
CHARACTERISTICS OF WEEDS HARVESTING AND PROCESSING –Interference with harvesting and processing –Adds extra costs to clean and transport HOST FOR OTHER ORGANISMS –Diseases –Nematodes –Other Insects
CHARACTERISTICS OF WEEDS GROWTH HABITAT –Terrestrial or Aquatic –Herbaceous or Woody LIFE CYCLE –Summer & Winter Annuals –Biennials –Perennials
CHARACTERISTICS OF WEEDS DICOTS –Broadleaved –Two Cotyledons –Tap Roots –Less Cold Tolerate
CHARACTERISTICS OF WEEDS MONOCOT –Grass-Like –One Cotyledon –Fibrous Roots –More Cold Tolerate
CHARACTERISTICS OF WEEDS PARASITIC WEEDS –Derive food and water from host plant –Example: mistletoe POISONOUS WEEDS –Can have toxic affect on both humans and livestock –Example: Cocklebur and Poison Ivy
CHARACTERISTICS OF WEEDS POPULATION DENSITY –More weeds = MORE PROBLEMS ALLELOPATHY –The production of a chemical compound that inhibits the growth of other nearby plants –EXAMPLE: »Quackgrass Rhizomes »Giant Foxtail
CONCLUSION WEEDS NEED TO BE CONTROLLED »Economic Loss »Reduction of Quality »Reduction of Seed Production