Connecting AreaDetector to GDA John Hammonds Software Services Group Advanced Photon Source The submitted manuscript has been created by UChicago Argonne, LLC, Operator of Argonne National Laboratory (“Argonne”). Argonne, a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science laboratory, is operated under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH The U.S. Government retains for itself, and others acting on its behalf, a paid-up nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license in said article to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government.
AreaDetector Integrating GDA and AreaDetector, John Hammonds, EPICS Collaboration Meeting, October 11-15,
GDA (Generic Data Acquisition) Integrating GDA and AreaDetector, John Hammonds, EPICS Collaboration Meeting, October 11-15,
Transition to AreaDetector The APS is transitioning from ImageServer (and other software) to AreaDetector for support of all 2-D detectors Many drivers have been done We (and others) are working on developing more drivers Still need software –Need better support for viewing live data –Need better support for viewing file data –Integrate image view with things like ROI plugin –Looking for ways to streamline the acquisition/analysis process Scripting Flow control Integrating GDA and AreaDetector, John Hammonds, EPICS Collaboration Meeting, October 11-15,
Live Data View Monitor for a new Image (i.e., watch UniqueID of NDStdArray plug-in) When a new image arrives, grab type & size of the image and a copy of the image Send a copy of the image to a display ImageJ(demo), IDL Integrating GDA and AreaDetector, John Hammonds, EPICS Collaboration Meeting, October 11-15,
Area Detector Classes Integrating GDA and AreaDetector, John Hammonds, EPICS Collaboration Meeting, October 11-15, Map the structure of AreaDetector to Java so that you can access component PVs in GDA Implement GDAs Findable (getName() & setName(String Name)) and Configurable (configure()) Configure calls routine setupChannelTypes(); override this in each class to extend a map of channel name & type
NDImage Integrating GDA and AreaDetector, John Hammonds, EPICS Collaboration Meeting, October 11-15, Add channels to monitor (in addition to those in plug-in base) Trigger to watch Image Ties to GDA Plot image Get/set which viewer plot will go to Get image as a GDA dataset
Using NDImage in GDA Integrating GDA and AreaDetector, John Hammonds, EPICS Collaboration Meeting, October 11-15,
Conclusions This is a work in progress We still have a lot to learn and decide We are still trying to decide how much we want happening in server and how much should be in the client Over the next few months we are planning to deploy a GDA/CSS prototype for the Pinhole SAXS instrument at 15-ID at the APS. We will be starting with the AreaDetector and some CSS/BOY OPIs. Add scans later with Jython scripts & GUI setup More detail Friday (GDA Workshop) Thanks to –Mark Rivers for AreaDetector –Diamond for GDA Esp. Paul Gibbons, Matthew Webber, Richard Woolliscroft –Ken Evans and Brian Tieman for allowing me to use them as sounding board Integrating GDA and AreaDetector, John Hammonds, EPICS Collaboration Meeting, October 11-15,