Introduction to Sponsored Program Services New Faculty Orientation August 2005 Jeffrey Silber, Sr. Director (607)
What is Sponsored Program Services? Sponsored Program Services Institutional authority delegated from trustees: –Vice Provost for Research – sponsored programs –Controller – financial records Exercises institutional authority for: –Proposal submission –Negotiation of agreements –Financial reporting A component of campus support for research and other sponsored activities
What can SPS do for you? Submit, negotiate, and accept agreements for sponsored activities Agreement review helps ensure –Right to publish research results –Protection of intellectual property –Ability to involve individuals of faculty’s choosing –Sponsor will not control activity –University will be paid for effort in a timely manner
Who does SPS work with? Office of the Vice Provost for Research –Office of Research Integrity and Assurance University Committee on Human Subjects Cornell Center for Animal Research and Education / Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Institutional Biosafety Committee –Research Administration Information Systems University Counsel Risk Management and Insurance University Development
Goals of SPS Facilitate Research and Other Sponsored Activity by Creating a Single Point of Access for the Submission of Proposal, Acceptance of Awards, and Ongoing Administration of Projects Preserve Future Sponsored Activities by Helping Ensure that Activities are Done in Accordance with Sponsor and Other Requirements
Sources of Information Web sites (may change soon, but we’ll redirect you): –SPS and –Funding Opportunities –Human subjects –Animal Use –Biosafety –Health & Safety
More Websites Faculty Handbook, Chapter –Conflict of Interest –Publications –Intellectual Property and Data –Research Misconduct –and more University Policy Website –
Mailing Lists –Information posted includes rate changes, notification of updated sponsor applications and guidelines, updates to internal policies and procedures, and training opportunities –Is used to disseminate of information about electronic research administration, such as communications from NSF FastLane and Federal Commons –provides information on special funding opportunities and limited submission competitions Go to to sign-uphttp://
Information Sessions Research Administration Forum –Large group, 2-3 times per year –Announcements –Focus topics in each meeting, with greater depth –Discussion component in each forum Research Administration Roundtable –Monthly informal meetings –2-4 short topics to be presented –Discussion encouraged –Open chat (i.e. new topics) encouraged Subscribe to osp-sponsprog-l listserve to be kept informed of these and other events
Electronic Tools Sponsored Projects Portal –PI view –General view –The Sponsored Projects Portal provides integrated access to sponsored projects and sponsored funds information through links to both the Sponsored Projects and Accounting Data Warehouses
Contact Us Pre-award, and non-financial matters –120 Day Hall, – – Post-award financial area –341 Pine Tree Road, –