Reminders and Announcements Projects due Thursday, May 5, 2:00 PM by Keep consulting Maja and me for advice if you run into roadblocks or want to test ideas Reread the project description before writing Remember: 5 pages, no BS! You may have extra pages of references, tables, pictures, etc. but there is no guarantee they be read April 25, 20011Harvard Bits1
Fill out course evaluations! April 25, 20011Harvard Bits2
Exam – pick 2 hours out of 36 Starting Noon Sunday, May 8 Any 2 hour window between then and midnight Monday, May 9 Same protocol as hour exam: Open book Open notes Open Internet No communication with any human being April 25, 20011Harvard Bits3
Exam Content Review everything! There will be questions on the lectures, including the guest lectures Some math: Write down the handful of equations and formulas and make sure you understand them Some questions just testing whether you have been paying attention April 25, 20011Harvard Bits4
The Koans 1.It’s all just bits 2.Perfection is normal 3.There is want in the midst of plenty 4.Processing is power 5.More of the same can be a whole new thing 6.Nothing goes away 7.Bits move faster than thought April 25, 20011Harvard Bits5