The Symbolic Frame
Core Assumptions Most of organizational life is ambiguous and uncertain Events have multiple meanings because people interpret experience differently. Important is not what happened but its meaning. People create symbols and use metaphor to resolve confusion, increase predictability, provide direction and anchor hope and faith. Myths, rituals, ceremonies and stories help people find meaning, purpose and passion
Symbolic Frame Organizational Symbols Rituals and ceremonies An organization’s character is shown and communicated most clearly through its symbols. Central function of symbols: (Express meaning and feelings) create order, clarity, predictability, handling paradox, protect from uncertainty Myths and stories They provide clarity and direction in the presence of confusion and mystery. Rituals and ceremonies They provide ways to take action in the face of confusion, unpredictability and threat.
Symbolic Frame Metaphor Central concepts Image of leadership Theatre, temple Central concepts Culture, meaning, metaphor, ritual, ceremony, stories Image of leadership Inspiration Basic leadership challenge Create faith, beauty and meaning
Symbolic Frame Organizations as Cultures A distinctive pattern of beliefs, values, practices, and artifacts, developed overtime, which defines for organization members who they are and how they do things Symbols embody and express an organization’s culture Artifacts Espoused beliefs and values Tacit assumptions about how to do things and how things get done
Levels of Culture Artifacts Espoused Values Visible organizational structures and processes (sometimes hard to decipher) Artifacts Strategies, goals, philosophies mostly (espoused theories and justifications) Espoused Values Unconscious, taken-for-granted beliefs, perceptions,thoughts, and feelings (theories-in-use; ultimate source of values and behavior ) Underlying Tacit Assumptions Levels of Culture Schein, 1985
UMKC Stated Core Values