1 Ionization Cooling – neutrinos, colliders and beta-beams David Neuffer July 2009
2Outline Front End and Cooling – IDS neutrino factory Study 2A – ISS baseline example Target-capture, Buncher, Rotator. Cooler Shorter bunch train example(s) n B = 10, Better for Collider; as good for ν-Factory Variation – 88 MHz Rf cavities in solenoids – major constraint? up to 15MV/m, ~2T Alternatives Use lower fields (B, V’), use “magnetic insulation” ASOL lattice, use gas-filled rf cavities Large Emittance Muon Collider option Low-Energy Cooling discussion ERIT results Ion cooling for Beta-beams
3 Official IDS layout
4 Neutrino Factory-IDS For IDS need baseline for engineering
5 ISS Study 2B baseline Base lattice has B=1.75T throughout buncher and rotator rf cavities are pillbox grouped in same-frequency clusters 7 to 10 MV/m Buncher; 12.5 Rotator with 200μ to 395μ Be “windows”, 750μ windows in “Rotator” Cooling Lattice is alternating- solenoid with 0.75 half-period 0.5m pillbox rf cavity 1cm LiH absorbers 15.25MV/m cavities
6 IDS - Shorter Version Reduce drift, buncher, rotator to get shorter bunch train: 217m ⇒ 125m 57m drift, 31m buncher, 36m rotator Rf voltages up to 15MV/m (×2/3) Obtains ~0.26 μ/p 24 in ref. acceptance Similar or better than Study 2B baseline Better for Muon Collider 80+ m bunchtrain reduced to < 50m Δn: 18 -> m 500MeV/c
7 Shorter Buncher-Rotator settings Buncher and Rotator have rf within ~2T fields rf cavity/drift spacing same throughout (0.5m, 0.25) rf gradient goes from 0 to 15 MV/m in buncher cavities Cooling same as baseline ASOL lattice 1 cm LiH slabs (3.6MeV/cell) ~15MV/m cavities also considered H 2 cooling Simulated in G4Beamline optimized to reduce # of frequencies Has 20% higher gradient ASOL lattice
8 Rf in magnetic fields? Baseline has up to 12 MV/m in B=1.75T (in 0.75m cells) short version has up to 15MV/m in B=2.0T Experiments have shown reduced gradient with magnetic field Results show close to needed ? 14MV/m at 0.75T on cavity wall half-full or half-empty ? Future experiments will explore these limits will not have 200 MHz in constant magnetic field until summer 2010 Open cell cavities in solenoids? did not show V’ /B limitation
9 Solutions to possible rf cavity limitations For IDS, we need an rf cavity + lattice that can work Potential strategies: Use lower fields (V’, B) Use Open-cell cavities? Use non-B = constant lattices alternating solenoid Magnetically insulated cavities Is it really better ??? Alternating solenoid is similar to magnetically insulated lattice Shielded rf lattices low B-field throughout rf - Rogers Use gas-filled rf cavities but electron effects?
10 Lower-field (?) Variant Use B=const for drift + buncher Low-gradient rf ( < 6 MV/m) B= 1.5 to 2.0 T ? Use ASOL for rotator + Cooler (and/or H 2 cavities) 12 MV/m rf Rotator 15 MV/m cooler 0.75 half-cells Simulation: fairly good acceptance Lose some low energy mu’s bunch train shortened ~0.25 μ/24p after 60m H 2 cooling ~0.19 μ/24p after 60m LiH cooling
11 Change cavity material-Palmer Be windows do not show damage at MTA no breakdown? Model: Energy deposition by electrons crossing the rf cavity causes reemission on the other side less energy deposition in Be higher rf gradient threshold ~2× gradient possible with Be cavities ?? calculated in model extrapolation to 200MHz ? B electrons 2R
12 Variant: “88” MHz Front end Drift ~90m Buncher ~60m 166 →100 MHz, 0→6MV/m Rotator ~58.5m 100 →86 MHz, 10.5 MV/m Cooler ~100m 85.8MHz, 10 MV/m 1.4cm LiH/cell ASOL 10 m~80 m FE Targ et Solenoid DriftBuncherRotatorCooler ~60m60m ~100 m p π→μ
13 88 MHz example Performance seems very good ~0.2 μ/p 24 smaller number of bunches > ~80% in best 10 bunches Gradients used are not huge, but probably a bit larger than practical up to ~10 MV/m ~2T magnetic fields With 10 MV/m (0.75m cells) probably not free of breakdown problems redo with realistic gradients 6MV/m ?
14 Plan for IDS Need one design likely to work for V rf /B-field rf studies are likely to be inconclusive Hold review to endorse a potential design for IDS – likely to be acceptable (V rf /B-field) April 2010 ? Use reviewed design as basis for IDS engineering study
15 Cooling for first muon collider Important physics may be obtained at “small” initial luminosity μ + μ - Collider μ + + μ - -> Z *, H S L > cm -2 s -1 Start with muons fron neutrino factory front end: 3 × protons/bunch 1.5× μ/bunch ~12 bunches – both signs! ε t,rms, normalized ≈ 0.003m ε L,rms, normalized ≈ 0.034m Accelerate and store for collisions Upgrade to high luminosity
16 Proton Source: X -> ν-Factory/μ-Collider Project X based proton driver 8 GeV SRF linac, 15 Hz 1.2×10 14 /cycle H- inject full linac pulse into new “Accumulator” “small” dp/p Large ε N6π =120π mm-mrad Bunch in harmonic 4 adiabatic OK !! (2kV) Transfer into new “Buncher” 100kV h=4 1250 turns (2ms) short ~1 m bunches !! 3×10 13 /bunch B F = δν = 0.4 8GeV Linac Accumulator Buncher
17 Large Emittance Muon Collider ParameterSymbolValue Proton Beam PowerPpPp 2.4 MW Bunch frequencyFpFp 60 Hz Protons per bunchNpNp 3×10 13 Proton beam energyEpEp 8 GeV Number of bunchesnBnB 12 +/- / bunch NN Transverse emittance t,N 0.003m Collision * ** 0.05m Collision max ** 10000m Beam size at collision x,y 0.013cm Beam size (arcs) x,y 0.55cm Beam size IR quad max 5.4cm Collision Beam EnergyE +,E _ 1 TeV (2TeV total) Storage turnsNtNt 1000 LuminosityL0L0 4×10 30 Proton Linac 8 GeV Accumulator, Buncher Hg target Linac RLAs Collider Ring Drift, Bunch, Cool 200m Detector Use only initial “front-end” cooling Accelerate front-end bunch train; collide in ring
18 Must be upgradeable to “high-luminosity” MEMC Upgrades reduce ε t to 0.001m initial part of HCC 1300MHz rf combine 12 -> 1bunch L -> High luminosity Cool to ParameterSymbolHEMCMEMCLEMC Value Proton Beam PowerPpPp 2.4 MW4MW Bunch frequencyFpFp 60 Hz 15Hz Protons per bunchNpNp 3× × ×10 13 Proton beam energyEpEp 8 GeV 50 GeV Number of bunchesnBnB 1211 +/- / bunch NN × ×10 12 Transverse emittance t,N 0.003m0.001m Collision * ** 0.06m Beam size at collision x,y 0.013cm0.0063cm0.0005cm Beam size (arcs) x,y 0.55cm0.32cm0.05cm Beam size IR quad max 5.4cm3.2cm0.87cm Collision EnergyE +,E _ 1 TeV (2TeV total) 1 TeV Luminosity turnsntnt 1000 Luminosity cm -2 s -1 L0L0 4× × ×10 34
19 Other cooling uses- not just high-energy muons! . Stopping beam (for 2e, etc.) C. Ankenbrandt, C. Yoshikawa et al., Muons, Inc. For BCNT neutron source Y. Mori - KURRI For beta-beam source C. Rubbia et al … (dE/ds)/ E= g L (dp/ds)/p
20 Virtual detector r = 3 m end of NF/MC drift region μ ± & π ± from 100k POT MERIT-like targetry Revisit Use of NF/MC Front End to Stop Muons with Momentum-dependent HCC HCC … matching (not done) 100k Mu-’s w/ Bent Sol Spread at start of HCC. Mu-’s midway to end of HCC (20,836/100,000) Mu-’s at end of HCC. Displayed is 5398/100k, but stopping rate is 3519/100k P(MeV/c) μ−’s stopped Potential to enhance yield via P vs. y correlation in bent solenoid. C Yoshikawa
21 FFAG-ERIT neutron source (Mori, KURRI) Ionization cooling of protons/ ions is unattractive because nuclear reaction rate energy-loss cooling rate But can work if the goal is beam storage to obtain nuclear reactions Absorber is beam target, add rf ERIT-P-storage ring to obtain neutron beam (Mori-Okabe, FFAG05) 10 MeV protons (β = v/c =0.145) 10 Be target for neutrons 5µ Be absorber, wedge (possible) δE p =~36 keV/turn Ionization cooling effects increase beam lifetime to ~ 1000 turns not actually cooling
22 Observations of “Cooling”-PAC09 ERIT ring has been operated Beam lifetime longer than without energy-recover rf agrees with ICOOL simulation Beam blowup is in agreement with simulation multiple scattering heating in agreement with ICOOL
23 β-beam Scenario (Rubbia et al.) β -beam – another e source Produce accelerate, and store unstable nuclei for -decay Example: 8 B 8 Be + e + + ν or 8 Li 8 Be + e - + ν * Source production can use ionization cooling Produce Li and inject at 25 MeV nuclear interaction at gas jet target produces 8 Li or 8 B 7 Li + 2 H 8 Li + n 6 Li + 3 He 8 B + p Multiturn storage with ionization “cooling” maximizes ion production 8 Li or 8 B is ion source for β -beam accelerator C. Rubbia, A. Ferrari, Y. Kadi, V. Vlachoudis, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A 568, 475 (2006). D. Neuffer, NIM A 583, p.109 (2008) e
24 β-beams example: 6 Li + 3 He 8 B + n Beam: 25MeV 6 Li +++ P Li =529.9 MeV/c Bρ = 0.59 T-m; v/c=0.094 J z,0 =-1.6 Absorber: 3 He -gas jet ? dE/ds = MeV/cm, If g x,y,z = 0.13 (Σ g = 0.4), β ┴ =0.3m at absorber Must mix both x and y with z ε N,eq = ~ m-rad, σ x,rms = ~2 cm at β ┴ =1m σ E,eq is ~ 0.4 MeV Could use 3 He as beam 6 Li target ( foil or liquid)
25 β-beams alternate: 6 Li+ 3 He 8 B + n Beam: 12.5MeV 3 He ++ P Li =264 MeV/c Bρ = 0.44 T-m; v/c=0.094 Absorber: 6 Li - foil or liquid jet dE/ds = 170 MeV/cm, L R =155cm at (ρ Li-6 = 0.46 gm/cm 3 ) Space charge 2 smaller If g x = (Σ g = 0.37), β ┴ =0.3m at absorber ε N,eq = ~ m-rad σ x,rms = 2.0 cm at β ┴ =0.3m, σ x,rms = 5.3 cm at β ┴ =2.0m σ E,eq is ~ 0.3 MeV ln[ ]=5.34
26 Cooling Ring for Beta-Beams Assume He-3 beam Bρ=0.44T-m, β=0.094 Cooling ring parameters C =12m (?) Absorber 0.01 cm Li wedge β t = ~0.3m, η= ~0.3m rf needed 2 MV rf Injection charge strip He + to He ++ (?) Extraction kicker after wedge NuFACT09 miniworkshop: July27-29 Solenoid 1.38T-m Cooling wedge β=0.3m, η=0.3m rf
27Summary Rf in magnetic field problem must be addressed Need rf configuration that can work with high confidence Need to establish scenario Use as basis for engineering study Further meetings/studies NuFACT 2009 miniworkshop at Fermilab (July 27-28) front end and beta-beam cooling 9-11am WH3NE 1:30-4PM Front End Review April 2010?
28 Future Funding … ??