1 of 6 This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Add Groove 2007 as a Firewall Exception Groove 2007 should automatically be configured as a Windows Firewall exception, but if you have difficulty launching the Groove 2007 application, it may be because Groove 2007 is not an exception. To manually add Groove 2007 as an exception, follow these steps: In Windows, click the Start ( ) button>Control Panel>Network and Internet, and then double-click Windows Firewall. On the Exceptions tab, click Add Program, and then click Browse. Navigate to Program Files>Microsoft Office>Office 2007, and then double-click Groove 2007.exe. Note If you receive the error message, “Groove 2007 cannot reach the activation server,” your ISA client may not be up-to-date or you may need to use different LAN settings. Contact your network administrator for assistance Add Groove 2007 as a Firewall Exception Launch Groove 2007 Groove 2007 Alerts Create a Groove 2007 Workspace Invite Users to a Workspace Groove 2007 enables teams of people to work together securely over the Internet or a corporate network as if they were in the same physical location. Groove 2007 is good for teams that don’t work in the same location, time zone, or company. Groove 2007 manages changes to shared files even when you are offline. Topics in this guide include: Groove 2007 and Microsoft ® Office 2007 Work within Groove 2007 is organized into workspaces, and each workspace includes a range of tools to support project planning, file sharing, discussions, and meetings. After creating files with Microsoft Office 2007 applications, Groove 2007 is the ideal environment for file sharing, document reviews, co-editing, and co-reviewing Microsoft ® Office Word 2007 documents, and for co-viewing Microsoft ® Office PowerPoint ® 2007 documents.
2 of 6 This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Launch Groove 2007 Double-click the Groove 2007 icon in the notification area in the lower right corner of Windows, or use the Windows Start menu to launch Groove The Groove 2007 Launchbar contains two tabs: one for creating and managing Workspaces, one for adding and managing Contacts. Groove 2007 Alerts Groove 2007 alerts appear as blinking messages in the lower right corner of Windows. Check for Groove 2007 alerts by resting the pointer on the Groove 2007 icon in the notification area. Groove 2007 alerts notify you about updates and the status of the work in Groove 2007, including when: Someone you have invited to a workspace has accepted the invitation. You are synchronizing with information in a workspace. New files have been added to a workspace Create a Groove 2007 Workspace A Groove 2007 workspace is used to share files, exchange messages, and collaborate with a team. In the Launchbar, on the File menu, point to New, and then click Workspace. In the Create New Workspace window, click Standard. Change the Name of Workspace to something relevant to the work you will be doing. Click OK. Invite Groove 2007 Users to a Workspace Invite other Groove 2007 users to share a workspace. You will need to designate roles for each person you invite to your workspace. If you know that someone is already a Groove 2007 user, follow these steps to invite them to a workspace: Right-click the workspace in the Launchbar, and then click Invite to Workspace. In the Send Invitation window, click Add More. 1 2 The new workspace is created and opens in another window. To use the Files and Discussion tools that are included in the standard workspace, click the tab for each at the bottom of the window. Managers will be able to invite others, edit existing files, and delete files or the entire workspace. Participants will be able to edit and delete files. Guests will be able to view existing data but will not be able to make any changes.
3 of 6 This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. In the Add Recipients window, click Search for User. In the Find User window, type part of the user’s name, and then click Find. Select the user’s name from the list, click Add, and then click OK. In the Send Invitation window, choose a Role for the invitee, and then type a Message (optional). Click Invite Check to see if the person has accepted your invitation by monitoring your Groove 2007 alerts. Invite Non-Groove 2007 Users to a Workspace If someone is not already a Groove 2007 user, she will need to become a Groove 2007 user before she can share a workspace with you. After her Groove 2007 account has been activated, invite her to a workspace by following the steps in the “Invite Groove 2007 Users to a Workspace” earlier in this guide. Note This feature directs the recipient to download a trial version of Groove 2007 from a public Web site, and is only intended for invitations sent to external parties. 1 2 Share Files in a Workspace The Files tool enables workspace members to share and collaborate on many different file types, including files from all Microsoft Office applications. All members of a workspace are able to open any files that appear in the Files tool. When a member changes a file and saves the changes in Groove 2007, the file is automatically updated for all other workspace members. When several members work on a file at the same time, the first person to save changes will update the original file. If another member saves changes to the original version, a second copy of the file will be created with the editor’s name in the title. To share a file in a workspace: From the Launchbar, double-click the workspace. At the bottom of the workspace window, click the Files tab.
4 of 6 This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Begin a Discussion To post an announcement, a news item, or other information for everyone sharing a Groove 2007 workspace, use the discussion tool. A discussion is an archived conversation thread that is stored in a standard workspace. Double-click the workspace from the Launchbar. Click the Discussion tab at the bottom of the window to switch to the Discussion tool. Click New>Topic to open a new topic form. Type the Subject, and then enter the first posting for the discussion in the box below. Click Save The new discussion is displayed in the workspace. Other users can double- click the discussion within the workspace in order to respond. Each time you are online, Groove 2007 will synchronize the discussion, so all workspace members can see new postings and topics from one another. In the Launchbar, on the Contacts tab, click Add Contact. In the Find User window, type part of the user’s name, and then click Find. Select the user’s name from the list, and then click Add Add a Contact Add current Groove 2007 users as contacts, and then use Groove 2007 to send messages, or to chat. Note Only current Groove 2007 users can be added as contacts. 3 4 The selected files appear in the file list in the workspace. Click Add Files. Find and select the files you want to add, and then click Open.
5 of 6 This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Tip By default your contacts are sorted in the Launchbar according to whether they are active, online, or offline. If you want to change the way they are sorted, click Options, pause over View Contacts By, and then choose a different sorting method. Check the Presence of a Contact Look in the Launchbar to see if your Groove 2007 contacts are online or available. The icon next to each contact denotes the contact’s presence online. Within a Groove 2007 workspace, you can also see what tools your contacts are using. Tabs at the bottom of the workspace display the number of people who are actively using the tool. Hover over a tab, to see the names of those currently using that tool displayed. IconMeaning Online Away Offline 1 2 Send a Message Send messages to Groove 2007 contacts at any time, regardless of whether you or your contact are online. Right-click a contact in the Launchbar, and then click Send Message. In the Send Message window, type a message, and then click Send. If you are offline when you write the message, Groove 2007 will send the message as soon as you are online. Also, Groove 2007 alerts will notify you when the message is delivered, when it is opened, and when your contact replies. Tip You can use a shortcut key to send Groove 2007 messages. Press SHIFT+ENTER to bring up a new instant message window, or to bring up your next unread instant message from your Inbox. Chat with Other Workspace Members Each Groove 2007 workspace includes a chat tool, located on the right side of the workspace. Just click in the blank box at the bottom of the tool to chat at any time. A Groove 2007 alert notifies other workspace members when a new message has been posted. As with other Groove 2007 tools, the number of users currently working in the tool is also listed to indicate presence. Note If you are using Groove 2007 on a Tablet PC, the chat window may open by default in Ink mode. Click Options>Switch to Text Mode to type in the chat window.
6 of 6 This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved Add Other Tools to a Workspace Add additional Groove 2007 tools to a workspace to increase functionality. Open the workspace from the Launchbar. Under Common Tasks, click Add Tools. In the More Tools window, select the check box for each tool you want to add, and then click OK. A button for each additional tool will appear at the bottom of the workspace. Tip To reorganize the tool tabs at the bottom of a workspace, drag them to the left or right. To do thisUse this Collect and view dataMicrosoft ® Office InfoPath ® 2007 Forms tool Report on and track the status of issues and incidents Issue Tracking tool Synchronize files on a workspace with those on a SharePoint 2007 site, document library, or folder SharePoint 2007 Files tool