Climate Variability in Indonesia
Paddy Area Damaged, Indonesia El Niño onset years
Paddy damages in Indonesia 60% of national damages from West Java 80% of damages in West Java reported from Indramayu and Cirebone districts
Tail-end irrigation zones that are most vulnerable to Drought Drought zone Sub-District Indramayu District
Rainfall zonation (6 DPM) based on ten-days rainfall data (left) and its pattern (right) BMG Analysis of Background Climate in Indramayu
Indramayu farmers’ choices in non- normal years Delay planting; use 90 day variety (in select plots) Initiate salt manufacturing: contact salt trader to lock rate Delay duck rearing: negotiate penalty in canceling duckling purchase Initiate vegetable growing for urban market Construction labor Petition Bank to forego loan collection (for this year) Renegotiate terms with moneylender Seek audience with Bupati
Farmer’s decisions are dependent on coordination of key policies & institutions 90 day cultivar locally to be made available District Agriculture Office purchase seeds Special (seed) credit lines available National Government buys seeds in international market Local Market / Seed Depot District Administration Provincial Administration Private Bank Agriculture Ministry Planning Ministry To be able to delay planting, several institutions/policies involved: