C5: Software for Microarray Analysis 高成炎、黃瑞仁、張春梵、陳朝欽 (November/2005)
MA-Plot and Other Program Listing compustt spot features maplot matlab MA plot linearfit normalization geneUD up/down genes cluster K-means Algo. bestBC feature selection select gene selection listgene gene listing denC.m Dendrogram
Differentially Expressed Genes Selected from 55 Hepatoma Patients Up Regulated Genes BC007058, X01098 AI133162, K02922 L32179, AL X06290, BC Down Expressed Genes AI133196, BG M24173, S80335 The up-regulated (down- regulated) genes are defined as those genes with the normalized log 2 ratio log 2 (Cy3/Cy5) greater (smaller) than a user-specified threshold T (-T), e.g., T=2.5
Hierarchical Clustering on 50 Patients of Hepatoma with 29 HBV and 21 HCV Using 26 Most Discriminative Genes